Chapter Twenty - Four: Heartache and Freedom

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"Well, it still fits," Amanda took a step back, admiring the white dress she had chosen months ago.

Glory smooth out wrinkles on the gown. It was a simple dress, but it was pretty nontheless. It wasn't something she'd choose. Inch thick straps curved over her shoulder, she readjusted them.

Staring at herself in the mirror, her brown eyes stared stared back at her. Mocking her. Haunting her. Not that she blamed them, she looked horrible, and she was doing a horrible thing.

She hadn't slept for days, ever since she woke up from her near death. Every night when she closes her eyes her mind is filled with thoughts about Edan. Her skin crawls at the thought of Avery marking her instead of Edan. When she does eventually fall asleep, only for an hour at a time, it's because she's cried herself to sleep.

No one would tell her what happened to Edan. Her father told her to drop it, it's something she should talk to the alpha about. Her mother and sister knew nothing. She hasn't gotten the chance to ask Avery, she hasn't talked to him since she awoke.

So she went to talk to the alpha. He told her that the same thing that happened to all other rogues happened to him. Which wasn't helpful at all, it just created more worries.

All rogues who cross the boarder die. And in a case when they aren't a complete goner, the rogue gets locked up in the "hallway" which is like a prison, and they refuse to let them shift, which eventually, leaves them for death.

Which Edan wouldn't have a problem with, it's just the thought of him being there that hurts her.

Glory eyed the plain fabric. When she hug it up in the closet those months ago she never intended to put it back on again.

It was just thin fabric that went to her knees, a plain flower design on it, one that was barely noticeable. It looked like any other dress a female would wear to their marking ceremony.

Glory hated it.

Only because of its cause.

"Hang it in the closet again dear. You'll need it soon."

Glory cringed at her mother's words. Soon. It wouldn't be anytime soon if it were up to her.

Her mother noticed the distasteful look on her daughters face. There was nothing she could do or say that would make things better. It broke Amanda's heart that Glory had to go through with this.

Before she never noticed how much she disliked the idea of getting marked by Avery. When she thinks back she feels like a fool. There was nothing Glory wanted less, and now it's just gotten worse.

Amanda saw, she saw that Glory loved the wolf that saved her life. It took a fool to not notice how Glory's heart was aching to see him

"Oh," Amanda spoke as Glory got out of the dress. Finally free of the itch. "Avery said to meet him at the border. He thinks it would do you some good to go out for a run as a wolf, since you haven't been free since you got back."

Glory nodded her head, letting her mother know she heard without the need to use her voice.

Glory went to go meet Avery, despite not wanting to. She hasn't shifted in nearly seven months. This will be good for her.

She greeted him, it's been a couple days since she saw him. She was happy to see him, "Hey."

He spared her a quick glance before stepping over the NightShape border. Glory hesitated to do so, the last time she did it didn't go so well.

He finally gave her a proper look, his eyes meeting hers. His voice was deep, manly, serious. It wasn't like the light hearted tone Edan always used. "When is the last time you shifted?"

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