Chapter Eleven: Night To Remember

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"Glory stop. It's too dark you'll get lost." When she didn't stop he had no choice but to go after her. "Look, Glory. I'm sorry."

She stopped and whipped her head and body around to look at him. "Really? For what?"

He pinched the bridge of his nose. "Ok," he tried to think. "I'm sorry for being an asshole."

"You're sorry for being an asshole?" Her eyes widened in disbelief. "Fine." She responded after a while. "I'll think about it."

"You'll think about it?" He smiled, though she couldn't see. She was trying to be tough, she was failing miserably. One thing about her: She was easy to read. Edan knew that she wanted to accept his apology. He found it cute that she was holding back. It meant she doesn't always give into her emotions. He admired that about her. He knew far too many people that gave in even though they knew they shouldn't.

"Yeah. I'll think about it. And also, I think we should wait till morning to get back home."

He snorted. Not a full out laughing snort. Just a short little chuckle like snort, that Glory found weirdly attractive. "Home?"

"Yes. I think here, in the woods somewhere. In the middle of nowhere. I consider it home now. I don't see myself calling my old pack home. I think I'd rather spend the rest of my life here with you and Everest than go back there."

"You mean nowhere? In the woods, in the middle of nowhere."

"No. I think us, you, me, Everest. We make this somewhere. You spent the last couple years here and you still consider it nowhere?"

"Yeah. How crappy was the place you came from anyway - I mean if you'd rather spend the rest of your days with me. . ."

"I wanna say it wasn't that bad, but really - " she spoke exaggerating her last words. "It was kinda crappy."

"You wanna compete on who's pack was worse?"

She laughed, "well. My pack wasn't that bad. It just lacked people who gave a damn. The only person that did care, well, let's just say it was complicated - " Glory cut her self when she realized that they were definitely not going in the right direction. Suddenly the light of the moon disappeared and she was staring into what seemed like the abyss.

"Edan?" Her voice echoed. Echoed? "Where are you? Where are we?"

She turned around and saw the light. The barely existing light from the moon. They had walked into a -

"Cave. Were in a cave. It's suicide trying to find back with the moon our only source of light."

"Everest is going to kill me Edan." She wanted to punch him at that moment.

"No, she's not. She's going to kill me - just, wait in here for a couple minutes. I'll go find some dry grass and I'll make a fire."

Surely enough. There was light. Making Edan's face glow, making his eyes more fierce than ever.

"Sit down," he gestured with his face. "You're probably cold."

He was right, she was cold. She just didn't realize it until now. So she sat down in front of the fire, in front of Edan. He was staring at her, with a look in his eyes. The same look he gave her earlier when he lifted her down from the cliff. It confused her because she had no idea what it meant.

"What?" She asked, her intention was to stare at him too, maybe make him feeling squeamish like he was making her feel. It was never her intention to give him the same look he was giving her.

"I didn't say anything."

"You're giving me a look," she whined.

"What look?"

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