Chapter Twenty-Three: NightShape

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Glory spoke before she opened her eyes.

She had no idea where she was. She thought she was back in the cabin with Edan. Everest was somewhere out in the woods, walking. She walked so often, she basically walked her life away.

A couple seconds before she opened her eyes she thought she was laid down beside Edan like she was that one time.

Glory turned on the bed she was on, a smile of her face ready to face Edan. She felt as though she hadn't seen him in weeks. Her heart fluttered at the thought of him.

She mumbled his name again, her smile fading when he didn't reply.

So she opened her eyes.

Nothing in the world could have prepared her for what she was seeing at that given moment. It took her a good minute for her to register where she was. And after she did finally recognize the grey walls and musky smell, she was crashed with disappointed.

Her heart rate sped up and she began to panic. What was she doing here? She was supposed to be with Edan. They were supposed to be in the woods somewhere. In the cabin hidden by trees. Laying on a mattress as she recovered from her flu. They were supposed to be together.

They were mates.

Glory felt it now more than she had ever before. A ache in her chest as the thoughts of losing him consumed her.

She needed to find him.

They were supposed to turn human together. Live on property owned by homo sapiens. They were supposed to get married. Maybe even have kids one day.

She was panicking.

She couldn't breath.

She couldn't breath.

Her vision got blurry and she tried to say Edan's name.

They were supposed to be together.

What was she doing back in NightShape.

A familiar pair of striking blue eyes helped her come back to reality. He put his hands in her shoulders and talked to her. Glory was clutching her own hand in front of her heart that was beating so fast that it hurt.

His calming voice helped a lot.

When she finally snapped to her senses she saw him for the first time in six months. With him this close to her she realized he wasn't nearly as perfect as she made him out to all along. He wasn't as attractive as he used to be. His eyes weren't as pretty as she remembered. His skin wasn't as flawless as she recalled. He just looked like another one of the guys.

He just looked - average.

Edan was so much more. Edan was so much more than Avery. She wanted Edan.

She realized she was crying. Salty tears left trails all the way down to her jaw. Cheeks puffy. She wiped them away quickly with the back of her hand.

Avery stood up when he noticed she was going to be okay.

He looked completely different now -  but still exactly the same. She was looking at him from a new perspective. She was looking at him as a female who found her mate.

While he did look different. He was just as tall as she remembered. All wolf males were six foot two as their average height. Avery stood six feet and seven inches tall, just two inches taller than Edan.

His eyes didn't compare to Edan's. His eyelashes were longer, darker and thicker while Edan's were more on the blonde side. Edan's eye's were still more breathtaking.

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