Chapter 11 part 1

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Amaya's POV.

I wake up with a huge headache. What the hell happened? I try to move, but my hands and feet are ties. I'm laying on a cold floor in a dark room.


The door opens and the queen bitch herself walks in.

"Well, well, look who decided to wake up" Katherine says with a smirk.

"Didn't we kill you?" I ask annoyed.

"No, you just killed someone that looks like me... I think her name was Clea or something" Katherine says turning on a dim light.

"Fantastic. So what do you want?" I ask not really caring. I don't know why she took me, I have nothing she wants... except Stefan... I have no clue where the moonstone is.

"Well, you and Hadley got the two people I loved, mostly Stefan. So I want the moonstone. You should know me by now, I always get what I want" Katherine says smiling.

"Except Stefan" I say, now it's my turn to smile.

Katherine doesn't seem to like what I said. "Stefan and I are a work in progress. But Amaya you know who he'll end up with in the end. Now where's the moonstone?" Katherine demands.

"Up your ass and around the corner" I say glaring at her.

"I'm not in the mood to play games Amaya" Kwtherine says annoyed.

"Yeah but I am" I reply smiling.

"How does Stefan and Hadley deal with you?" Katherine sighs.

"I honestly have no clue" i reply.

"Tell me where it is or else" Katherine warns.

"Yeah... I still don't know where it is" I say. The funny part is I'm not lying, I actually have no clue.

Katherine grabs her cell phone and walks into the next room. I can hear everything thanks to their conversation.

"Stefan I want the moonstone and I want it now. Tell Hadley if I don't get it I'll kill Amaya" Katherine says, clearly pissed.

"If you even think about killing her I will rip out your insides" Stefan growls back.

Bad boy Stefan hot!

They exchange a few more threats before Katherine hangs up. She walks back to me.

"We're going to play a little game," Katherine says smiling. She quickly straps me to a metal table. She grabs a needle. "this is going to hurt," sshe says She plunges the needle into my arm.

I wince in pain but I will not give her the satisfaction of hearing me scream. She grabs a knife and makes cuts on my arms.

"Doesn't this bring back memories Amaya?" Katherine asks with a smirk. She forces the memories into my head.

The memories flood my mind.

My older brother Chase angrily walked into my room. I was thirteen when he started this, but this memory is from when I was fifteen. Chase was two years older than me. I never told anyone how much he hurt me.

Chase grabs me and slammed me against the wall. He forced my hands behind my back.

"Amaya, you are a disgrace to this family!" he yells.

I struggle against him, but he was stronger. Chase usually beat me When no one was around to hear or see. "I cause you pain to make you stronger. I do this because I care about you. I say all the mean things and hurt you for a reason" Chase roared.

He broke my arm that day. Chase left me on the floor crying. I told my parents I was attacked. Chase backed up my story.

No one knows about these memories, not even Hadley. So how the hell does Katherine know?

I open my eyes to find Katherine staring down at me. "you know if I cared about you, I might feel sorry for you" Katherine says digging the knife into my skin.

I don't scream.

No pain Katherine causes me will ever compare to the emotional pain I feel.

This is why I try to hide my emotions and not care about stuff. I wouldn't never turn off my humanity. I just try to block some stuff out.

"All of that pain you feel could be gone, if you flip the switch. Come on Amaya turn off your humanity" Katherine says walking around the table.

I could do it, I could turn it off.


This isn't edited lol sorry.

Hope you enjoyed it though! Well I'm gonna go see you all when we update again which should be... in a million years.


We'll update soon.


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