Chapter 3

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*Jackson's POV*

Our date was great. Too bad we have to get back to my apartment. Taylor said she would meet us there and we were all going out to lunch together. Once we got back to my apartment she was waiting inside.

"Taylor, oh my god I've missed you!" I say giving her a big hug.
"Jackson! Aaron! I've missed you guys so much," says Taylor giving Aaron a hug as well.
"Where are we going to get lunch at? I'm starving," Aaron asks and his stomach growling in agreeance.
"Does Panera sound good?" asks Taylor, but did she really even have to ask.
"I call shotgun!" yells Aaron as he runs down to get into my car.
"Let's go," I say as Taylor and I walk out of the door together laughing at Aaron.

*Aaron's POV*

"That's it, we're officially lost," I complain.
"No we're not. I just made a few wrong turns. We will find our way back," assures Jackson.
"Um, you better find our way back because there is no service. I can't look up how to get back to your apartment," I say in dissaproval.
"Okay well if someone wouldn't have been distracting me. Aaron. Then maybe we would be back already," argues Jackson.
"Guys can you stop. Arguing isn't going to help our situation," Taylor scolds.
"But it's his fault!" Jackson snaps back.
"Is not," I argue back.
"Yeah that's funny because I'm pretty sure it is," Jackson says.
"Guys look! I have one bar of service! Jackson pull over!" Taylor demands.
"Look up directions quickly," I beg, desperate to get back to Jackson's apartment.
"Finally, we can get back," Jackson says relieved.

*Jackson's POV*

"Hey I will see you guys later. I'm going to meet up with Jordyn. It was fun getting lost," Taylor says with a laugh as she walks out the door.
"Bye," Aaron and I say at the same time waving to Taylor as she shuts the door.

We were all watching TV until Taylor left but now all I can feel is Aaron's gaze on me. I feel bad about earlier, how I yelled at him and how I said it was his fault that we were lost.

"I hope you know I didn't mean it," I say still looking at the TV.
"Didn't mean what?" Aaron asks playing dumb.
"I didn't mean to say that it was a your fault that we were lost. I was just mad," I say now looking into Aaron's eyes.
"It's alright baby boy," Aaron says grabbing my hand and squeezing it.

Why does he have to be this cute. It gets me every damn time. I couldn't help but place a soft kiss on his lips. He kissed me back and we sat there making out for a solid 30 minutes before cuddling up on the couch together and falling asleep. Aaron really is the best boyfriend ever.


I really liked this chapter. I've decided to keep the chapters short but update as often as possible so I mean everything kinda evens out if you think about it. I'm honestly still hardcore shipping Jaaron and I dont want any of you to think of this book as being rude to them or their relationship. I know they broke up but a girl can dream ya know. Anyway imma go. Please vote and comment suggestions. Love you guys❤

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