Chapter 8

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*Jackson's POV*

I wake up to Daisy jumping on the bed.

"Jaaaackson, it's time to wake up," Daisy says singing her words.
"What time is it?" I ask Aaron who barely moved at all last night.
Aaron rolls over and checks his phone, "It's 9 a.m."
I roll onto my back and pull the covers over my head, "I don't wanna get up," I whine.
"Well, you have to," Aaron says coming under the covers and kissing me.
"Look it's a tent!" Daisy says as she slides under the covers too.
"Did anyone make breakfast yet?" I ask Daisy.
"Nope," she replies as she is holding up the blankets to look like an actual tent.
"Oh no. Daisy, do you hear that?" Aaron asks playfully.
"Hear what?" Daisy asks confused.
"The tent monster. He steals all of the little girls that are in tents and takes them to his secret hideout," Aaron says whispering and looking around.
"Where is he?" Daisy asks crouching down.
"Right here. Rahhhh," Aaron says grabbing her and tickling her.
"Oh no, the monster has me! Jackson save me!" she yells.
I grab Daisy in my arms and jump out of bed, "The monster with never get you now," I say as my stomach starts growling.
"I think the monster is in your tummy," Daisy giggles as I put her on the ground and she runs downstairs.
"Hungry?" Aaron asks sitting up.
"Aren't I always," I say sitting down next to Aaron and kissing him.
"What was that for?" Aaron asks after he pulls away.
"Well I was thinking that you should make me some breakfast," I say with a smile.
"I know how to make a bowl of cereal," Aaron says with a laugh.
"Can you bring me some Lucky Charms?" I beg my stomach growing again.
"Sure," Aaron says walking downstairs to get me my food.

He comes back up with the the perfect bowl of Lucky Charms.

"Mmm, thank you so much," I say to Aaron, praising him.
"No problem," Aaron says eating his bowl of Lucky Charms.

Several hours of doing basically nothing go by and the time reaches 12 p.m.

"Hey boys," my mom says knocking on the door and then walking in.
"What's up," I ask.
"You should probably start getting ready. We have to be at the funeral home by 2," she replies.
"Okay we will be ready," I assure her.

Once she leaves we get out our clothes and get dressed. Once we are ready Aaron sits down on the bed.

"Thank you," I say sitting down next to him.
"For what?" Aaron asks.
"For being there for me and making me happy and keeping a smile on my face even in the most depressing of times," I say giving Aaron a hug.
"I will always be there for you Jackson. Always," Aaron says hugging me tighter.
"Boys we have to leave. Let's go," my mom yells from downstairs.

Aaron and I walk down the stairs and get in the car.

"You going to be okay?" Aaron asks me.
"As long as you're there I'll be fine," I say giving Aaron a peck on the lips, "I'll be okay."


This isn't that long because I'm really tired right now but I promise the next few chapters will be longer. Vote if you want. Love you❤

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