Chapter 17

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*Jackson's POV*

His hugs aren't the same. His kisses aren't the same. Nothing feels right. I want to tell Aaron but I don't want to mess everything up because he seems so happy and who would I be to ruin that.

*Aaron's POV*

Jackson has been acting different lately. I've been trying to act happy but it is just so hard. He doesn't seem to enjoy being around me as much. We need to talk about this.

"Hey Jackson, we need to talk," I say sitting down on his bed next to him.
"About what?" he asks.
"About us," I blurt out.
"Oh thank god. Has something been bothering you too? I just didn't want to say anything until I could figure it out myself but here we are," Jackson says.
"Tell me what has been bothering you," I say hoping we can work this out.
"Being 100% honest I just don't feel it anymore. I don't feel the passion. I still love you but everything feels off and I don't know what to do," Jackson says feeling defeated.
"Want to know what has been bothering me?" I ask Jackson.
"Tell me," he says.
"You don't seem happy. That is what is bothering me the most," I say placing my hand on top of his.
"Maybe, we should take a break. Just take some time to think. Plus, you have been with me for over 2 weeks now. I'm sure your family misses you," Jackson suggests.
"That isn't a bad idea honestly," I say.
"I can book you a plane ticket for tomorrow morning," Jackson says grabbing his laptop.
"Okay," I say squeezing Jackson's hand before standing up and packing everything into my suitcase.
"Hey," Jackson says, getting my attention, "I do love you."
"I love you too Baby Boy," I say wanting to just kiss his face off but I decide against it.

*Jackson's POV*

The next morning I wake Aaron up and drive him to the airport. I wait with him until his plane is called to board and he stands up and gives me a hug goodbye. Right before he walks away I pull him back and I kiss him.
"This isn't goodbye," I say giving him another peck on the lips and then letting him go.
"I love you," Aaron says as he is walking away.
"Love you too," I say back and just a few moments later he is on the plane and out of sight. I drive back to my apartment just to sit there with Nova and think everything through.

I need to know why I don't feel the same with Aaron as I should. The last time I felt something between us was our last date. Maybe when he comes back we can try to do that again and something will trigger in my brain. Or what about the very first date we ever had. We went out to an empty field and looked at the stars. Maybe that would help. I need to talk to someone about this.
"Hey Nova. Do you have time to talk?" I ask her.
"Of course what is going on?" Nova asks.
"It is about Aaron and I. I don't feel the passion anymore and I honestly have no clue what to do about it," I say honestly.
"Well you need to figure out why you don't feel this way anymore. Did he do something that maybe just flipped a switch in your brain and then your brain was just like 'NOPE'," she says trying to reason through it.
"Not that I know of," I say trying to really think.
"Think hard. I'm sure the answer is right in front of you," Nova says helping as much as she possibly can.
"Thanks," I say as I get on my phone and scroll through Instagram.

Immediately a picture of Aaron pops up and I miss him so much already. He was always there for me when no one else was. I miss him yet I can't miss him at the same time. I won't allow myself to tear myself apart over one person. That one person is someone I love so much but I can barely feel anything when I'm with him.


More emotional shit coming up in the next few chapters :))))))

Sorry this chapter is so short. I think Jackson and Aaron might get back together irl to be honest but that is just my prediction because Aaron is in LA and he is most likely to be in LA for Valentines Day which in case you didn't know already Jackson lives in LA but that is just my prediction so don't get your hopes up. I'm tired so good night and I love you so much. Please vote if you want to. Love youuu❤

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