Chapter 7

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*Jackson's POV*

"Did you bring some nice clothes with you?" I ask Aaron.
"Is this okay?" Aaron asks holding up a clean, white shirt and some black pants.
"Why don't you put it on," I say walking over to Aaron and taking off his t-shirt then stopping to stare at his toned abs.
"Boys, dinner is ready," I hear my mom call from downstairs.
"Put your shirt back on," I say laughing at Aaron and throwing his shirt at him.
"Hey you're the one that took it off of me," Aaron says walking past me and smacking my ass.
"You are such a bitch," I say following him down the stairs and into the kitchen.
"I made your favorite," says my mom.
"I haven't had waffles in forever," I say with excitement. Aaron I get our waffles, yes, waffles for dinner, and sit down to eat drenching them in syrup.
"So, how did you two meet?" asks my grandma.
"Well, actually I messaged Aaron on Instagram and he didn't respond for like two days and then we started kinda actually talking and it just took off from there I guess," I say smiling and looking at Aaron.
"I'm lost but I'm just going to pretend I know what an Instagram is," my grandma says with a chuckle.
"These waffles are great. Thank you so much," Aaron says to my mom.
"Oh, no problem sweetie," my mom replies.
"Hey where is Sam and Daisy?" I ask out of curiosity.
"I think they went upstairs," my aunt replies.
"Okay well I'm just going to go finish unpacking and everything, thanks for dinner," I yell as I run up the stairs Aaron chasing me. I run down the hallway to my room and Aaron grabs me right before I reach the door, pulling me into his chest.
"Let go of me," I say trying to wiggle out of his grasp.
"Never," he says with a smile as he starts to tickle me.
"I hate when you tickle me! Aaron I swear to god. STOOPPPPP!"  I yell falling to the ground and Aaron gets on top of me placing a kiss on the tip of my nose.
"Love you," he says still on top of me.
I sigh, "You're such a pain sometimes, but I love you anyway," I say looking up and seeing Daisy walk out of my room.
"What are you guys doing?" Daisy asks with a giggle.
"He was just tickling me and we fell," I say looking up at her with a grin.
"Oh," is all she says before sitting on Aaron's back and tries to tickle him with her tiny hands.
"He's not very ticklish," I say to her.
"Aw man," Daisy says standing up.
"So are you going to get off of me or?" I ask Aaron shifting my eyes in Daisy's direction and I think he got the hint.
"Oh yeah, right," He says before standing up and grabbing my hand to help me up.

I walk in my room and I see Sam on my laptop.

"Hey kid, what are you doing?" I ask him.
"Just, um, researching," he says awkwardly.
"Researching what?" I ask grabbing my computer and seeing Aaron's YouTube videos up on the screen and tabs all with Aaron's name on them, "Why are you researching my boyfriend?" I ask with a laugh not really caring too much.
"I just, well, I want to make sure he's good for you," Sam replies honestly.
"Hey, look. Aaron's a good guy," I say sitting down next to Sam and closing the laptop.
Sam gives me a concerned look, "Are you sure because I was going through his twitter and---."
"Hey, Sam. If you have any problems just talk to Aaron yourself," I say calmly pointing over to Aaron who was standing in the doorway the entire time.
"Oh, um. I'm sorry. I should just leave," Sam says walking twords the door avoiding eye contact with Aaron.
"Hey, Sam," Aaron says getting the boy's attention.
"Yeah?" Sam replies.
"I care about Jackson. I care about him a lot, and I would never do anything to hurt him," Aaron says to Sam, gaining his trust.
"As long as Jackson is happy with you and you care about him I'm okay," Sam says walking out of the door and downstairs.
"Can I play on your computer?" Daisy asks as she walks over to me pulling on my arm.
"Not right now, maybe later. Why don't you go downstairs and see what your brother is doing," I say giving her a smile.
"Okay," she says skipping out of the room and down the stairs.
"I'm exhausted," I say as I go over and wrap my arms around Aaron.
"Me too," Aaron says kissing my cheek.

I walk over to my suitcase and get some comfy clothes out and put them on and so does Aaron. We lay down and right when we were almost asleep the door opens and there is Daisy standing in the doorway.

"Hey Daisy, what do you need?" I ask.
"Well I was wondering if I could sleep in here with you guys and we could have a sleepover," she asks shyly.
Before I even get a chance to answer Aaron speaks up, "Of course we can have a sleepover, but you have to promise to go to sleep soon because Jackson is really tired."
"SLEEPOVER!" Daisy squeals as she runs and jumps up onto the bed.
"Where do you want to sleep?" I ask Daisy.
"Ummm, right here," Daisy points to the spot on the other side of Aaron.
"Okay, lay down and go to sleep, goodnight, love you," I say scooting over as much as I possibly can without falling off of the bed.
"Goodnight Jackson. Goodnight Aaron. Love you," she says in the cutest little voice.

Aaron scoots closer to me making more room for Daisy and cuddling up next to me as we fall asleep.


4 day streak of updating. I'm on a roll. Daisy is one of my favorite characters, she just seems so cute. Don't forget to vote if you want to and comment any suggestions. Love you all and thank you for all of the reads and support. I really appreciate it❤❤❤

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