Chapter 26

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*Jackson's POV*

"Okay, but really, we should get back to the hospital," I say with Aaron still on top of me.
"We can bring him Chick-Fil-A and that will make up for us taking so long," Aaron says as he starts kissing me again.
"Aaron," I say trying to get him to stop for one second.
"What?" Aaron asks.
"I love you," I say and that causes him to start kissing me again this time on the neck and most likely leaving hickeys. I run my hands through his soft hair and I hear the downstairs door open.

"Aaron, stop. Someone is here," I whisper and he looks up at me.
"Every time god damn it," Aaron says as he stands up and puts on his shirt and I put on mine.
"Hello?" I yell down the steps.
"Hey, its just us," Nova yells back up and we both go downstairs.
"Where were you guys?" Aaron asks.
"We went to the mall and did some shopping. Why are you guys here?" Nova replies.
"We came to get some stuff for Jake so he isn't bored at the hospital," I say.
"Right. Okay I'm just going to pretend I didn't hear you moaning and you guys weren't just about to have sex upstairs while your child is in the hospital," Nova says covering Natalia's ears while she was talking.
"Well when you put it that way it sounds awful," Aaron says and we all three laugh.
"We actually should get back to the hospital though," I say for the 10 billionth time.
"Okay, you're right. Let's go," Aaron says as he helps me grab Jake's stuff.
"Bye," Nova says.
"Love you, bye," Natalia says to us.
"Love you bye," we both say as we walk out of the door and get in the car.

We drive to the hospital but stop at Chick-Fil-A to grab some food for us and Jake. Once we get back to the hospital we give Jake all of his things and his food.

"I was starving. Thank god you guys brought some food," Jake says.
"No problem, buddy," I reply.
"Wait so where are you guys sleeping tonight? You can't just sleep on those chairs," Jake wonders.
"We could go home but we don't want to leave you here all by yourself," Aaron says.
"No, really. Go home and sleep in your own bed. I have a phone to call you if I need to plus there are nurses that come in here every hour. I think I will be fine," Jake reasons.
"Okay, we will stay with you until 8 and then we will head home. Sound good?" I ask.
"That's fine," Jake replies.

A few hours pass by and then Aaron and I go home.

"I just worry. You know me," I say looking at Aaron as he walks over and sits on our bed and go over and sit next to him.
"Everything will be fine. Nothing bad is going to happen," Aaron says, comforting me.
"Every time you say that something goes horribly wrong," I say as Aaron wraps his arms around me and I lean my head into his chest.

Then Aaron decided to forcefully push me down onto the bed.
"You know, no one is here to stop us this time. Nova already told me that her and Natalia are staying at Nova's place. Why not make the most of it while we can," Aaron says as he leans down and brushes his lips on mine with his hands positioned on my torso. I couldn't take it anymore and I grabbed the back of his head and slammed his lips onto mine. This is honestly just what I needed to get my mind off of everything that has been going on. Yeah our son may be in the hospital but here we are. Aaron is right, make the most of the situation because this is going to be one of the only times that the kids aren't going to be in the house and we get to be alone.


I know it has been 3 days I'm so sorry ilysfm❤

Also sorry that I skipped out on the *sTeAMy dEAtAiLs* at the end of the chapter. If you want them in the next chapter vote and comment to let me know.

I hope you have a fantastic day. I love you❤

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