Chapter 24

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*Jackson's POV*

I am the first one to wake up so I wake up Aaron and then go downstairs to make some coffee. The kids don't have school today so I let them sleep in. After Aaron leaves for work I do some laundry and dishes and just tidy up the house. Natalia is the first one to wake up and then Jake wakes up about 5 minutes later.
"Good morning. What would you guys like for breakfast," I ask them.
"Can we have waffles?" Jake asks.
"If you guys hurry and go get dressed we can go to IHOP and get waffles," I say and they both run upstairs. They then come downstairs and we get into the car and go to IHOP.

We go in and sit down and our waitress comes to take our order.
"Hello, my name is Haley, I am going to be your waitress today. What would you like to drink?" she asks.
"Two chocolate milks for the kids and I will have water please," I say as I look up at her and smile.
"Okay, I will be back with those in a minute," she says as she walks away to get our drinks. She comes back a few minutes later with our drinks.
"I'm sorry, this may seem really unprofessional but I am such a big fan of yours do you think we could get a picture?" she nervously asks.
"Of course! I love meeting fans. You guys are like family to me," I say with a genuine smile as she snaps the picture and then takes our order.

After about 10 minutes she brings us our waffles.
"Thank you!" Natalia says.
"Of course," Haley says and then she walks away.

We eat our waffles and then give Haley a large tip before we leave. We go back home and I decide to get on YouNow with the kids. I didn't do this often but it was fun every once in awhile. We talk to everyone for about 30 minutes and then get off.

I decided to take the kids to the park. Bad idea. Jake thought he could jump off of a swing while he was up in the air so he jumped.
"My leg!" Jake screams in pain.
"Oh my god, are you okay? Jake?" I ask worriedly.
"No, I think I broke my leg. I can't move it," Jake says.
"I will call an ambulance," I say as I dial 911 and they send an ambulance right away.

Natalia and I drive to the hospital right behind the ambulance. Once we get there tests and x-rays happened and we were waiting in his hospital room waiting for the doctor. The door suddenly opens and Aaron walks in.
"What happened?" Aaron asks with a worried expression.
"I thought it would be a good idea to jump off of the swings at the park," Jake says sheepishly.
"Okay well I think everything is okay. The doctor should come in, in any minute now," Aaron says and before he leaves he goes over to Jake and gives him a hug before walking over to me and giving me a hug and kiss along with Natalia who is coloring in a coloring book.
"I will see you later," I say to Aaron.
"See you guys later, love you," Aaron says as he walks out and went to do whatever he had to do.

A few minutes later the doctor walks in. "I'm afraid I have some bad news," the doctor says and we all hold our breath. "It isn't as serious as we first suspected but there is some internal bleeding and we need to get your son into surgery immediately."
"Oh my god, okay," I say and nurses come in to take him into surgery.
"Love you," Jake says as they take him out of the room.
"Love you too," I say and in a few seconds he is out of sight.

Aaron walks back into the room. "Where is Jake?" he asks.
"They took him into surgery for internal bleeding," I say with a sigh.
"Okay, well I can stay in here with you guys. They told me someone else would fill in for me so I could be here with you guys," Aaron says as he grabs my hand.
"I'm sure he will be okay," I say trying to not worry.
"He is getting a very simple procedure done. It is honestly very hard to mess it up," Aaron says, sqeezing my hand.

After about an hour the bring Jake back into the room and he is sleeping.
The doctor comes in the room and we sit there waiting for him to say something.

"I have good news and bad news," he says looking at us and we hold our breath in anticipation.


Cliffhanger :))))))))

I originally thought that I was going to end this story around chapter 20 but that didn't happen obviously lol

I like where the story is going and I might make it up to 30 to 35 chapters idk anymore. I honestly don't even know how I am going to end it so yeah I'm going to think about that.

Also I'm starting a fresh new story soon but I will let you know when that is officially a thing. I don't even know what it is going to be about but I want to continue with writing and improving my skills.

Don't forget to vote and comment ideas for the ending. I wanna be mean and make it extremely sad but at the same time I want it to be happy. UGH THE STRUGGLE.

Love you all so fucking much okay? Love youuuuuu❤

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