Chapter 11

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*Jackson's POV*

I wake up to Nova and Aaron sitting on my bed and talking.
"Oh hey, you're up," Aaron says leaning down and giving me a kiss.
"Good morning," I say sitting up.
"Morning," Nova says smiling at me.
"Why are you guys up so early?" I ask.
"Jackson, it is 10:00," Aaron says laughing at me.
"Really," I say checking my phone, "what do you guys want to do today?"
"We could go shopping!" Nova says excitedly.
"Yessss let's go," Aaron says standing up.
"Did you guys eat breakfast yet?" I ask.
"No, we were waiting for you to get up," Aaron says grabbing my hands and helping me up.
"Do you guys want to go somewhere to eat?" Nova asks Aaron and I.
"Wanna go to IHOP?" I ask them and they both nod their heads yes. "Nova if you need any clothes you can look in my mom's room. She might have something for you to wear," I say ask she walks out of the door and into my mom's room.

We all get dressed and get into the car. I start the car and drive to IHOP. We go inside, sit down, and order our food. Once we are finished eating I pay for the bill and we walk out and get back into the car. A few minutes later we arrive at the mall and go inside.

"Where do you want to go first?" I ask Nova and Aaron.
"We can go into Aeropostale," Nova says.
"We're following you," I say.

We walk into Aeropostale and Nova goes off to the one side of the store while Aaron and I are on the other. About 10 minutes later Nova tells us to come and see if she looks good in some of the clothes she picked out.

"Okay so here is the first shirt," Nova says walking out in a navy blue longsleve crop top.
"That one is cute," I say being honest.
"Yeah it looks really good on you," Aaron agrees.
"I don't know I think it looks weird in the arms," Nova says looking at herself in the mirror.
"Nova, it actually looks really good on you," I say to her.
"Are you sure?" she says still looking in the mirror.
"Look, if you don't like it you don't have to get it," I tell her.
"Well I like it but I dont know if other people will," she says still questioning the shirt.
"If you like it then fuck what other people have to say. If you feel confident in it then rock the shit out of it," I say to help her out.
"You're right Jackson," Nova says giving me a smile and going back into the changing room to try on more clothes.

About a half and hour of trying on clothes later and Nova had 3 shirts 1 sweatshirt and 2 pairs of jeans.

"That will be $128.86," says the cashier.
Right as Nova was about to swipe her card I stopped her, "I got it," I say sliding my card and putting in the pin.
"Have a nice day," the cashier said as we smiled back and walk out of the store.
"Jackson! Why did you pay for my clothes?" Nova asks.
"Because now you have money to buy more stuff for yourself," I say not wanting to argue over this.
"No, Jackson. Please, let me pay you back," Nova insists.
"Think of it as a gift. You have been so kind to Aaron and I. You deserve it," I say ending the argument before it even got a chance to start.
"Thank you so much," she says giving me a hug.
"Don't worry about it," I say hugging her back.

After a few hours we are done shopping, our hands full of bags. We go back to the car and put the bags in the back. Nova changed earlier into her navy blue long sleve crop top and a pair of high waisted jeans with black booties.

"Where to now?" I ask.
"We could go to the amusement park that is like 30 minutes away from here," Nova suggests.
"Let's go," I say driving off.

We arrive at the park, get our wrist bands, and go in. We ride rides, get cotton candy and greasy fries, and once we are done we get into the car.

"Holy shit, it is 10:00 already," Aaron says as we are driving out of the parking lot.
"Yes and we have a flight to cast tomorrow," I say to Aaron.
"You guys are leaving?" Nova asks in disappointment.
"Yeah we are going back to LA," I reply.
"I'm going to miss you guys," Nova pouts.
"We're going to miss you too," Aaron says to Nova.
"Are you 100% sure you can't stay?" Nova asks.
"We already booked our flight," I say.
"Aw thats too bad," she says looking out the window.
"I mean you could come with us," I say with a smile looking back at Nova.
"Wait really?" Nova asks looking at me and smiling back.
"Yeah, we can book you a ticket as soon as we get to my mom's house," I say to Nova.
Nova's smile slowly turns into a frown, "What's wrong," asks Aaron.
"It's just that I wouldn't have any friends in LA and I would have nowhere to stay and I don't want to bother you guys constantly," Nova says rambling on.
"Don't worry about all of that. I will introduce you to some of my friends and you can stay at my place for however long you want," I say assuring her it will be okay.

We arrive back at the house and take everything inside and get ready to go to sleep after booking Nova a plane ticket.

"Goodnight guys," Nova says walking downstairs.
"Night," we both shout back.
"Goodnight Baby Boy. Love you," Aaron says giving me a kiss.
"Goodnight," I say kissing him back and drifting off to sleep.


I am so so so sorry for not updating last night. I was at a friends house and I didn't have any time. I hope you enjoyed this chapter. If anyone wants a description of what Nova looks like you can read below if not you don't have to but here is what she looks like.

Nova has long black hair and blue eyes. She has a flat stomach and smaller hips and butt but with bigger boobs. Her skin tone is a very light golden tan. I guess she is kinda like Megan Fox lol.

Anyway dont forget to vote if you feel like it and I love you all❤ Again very sorry for not updating yesterday. Love youuuuuu❤

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