Chapter 18

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*Jackson's POV*

It has been 3 weeks since Aaron has left. He is on his way to my apartment now so we can talk and see how things are going to turn out from here. I hear a knock on the door and I open it nervously and there stands Aaron with his suitcase.
"You made it," I say just standing there like an idiot.
"Yeah," he says back looking down at the ground.
"I've missed you," I say giving Aaron a hug.
"I've missed you too," Aaron says hugging me back.

Once we let go I step back so Aaron can come in and I close the door.
"So, Nova now has her own place not that far away from here. She also got a job in case you were wondering," I say trying to find something to talk about.
"That's cool," Aaron says.
"You can go put your stuff in my room if you want," I say as he walks into my room and I follow him.
"I think we need to talk about everything," Aaron says sitting on my bed and I sit down next to him.
"Yeah, we do," I say.
"You go first," Aaron says.
"Okay well after thinking for awhile I've realized that I'm not sure what my feelings for you are. Still even to this day I can say I love you time and time again and fully mean it but not be completely happy," I say fidgeting with my hands nervously.
Aaron takes my hands into his and looks me in the eyes, " Want to know how I feel," Aaron asks.
I nod my head.
"I've realized that you make me so happy but if you aren't happy then how could I possibly be happy. I don't want to let you go but I'm willing to if it will make you happy," Aaron says still holding my hands.
"Make me remember," I say.
"Remember what?" Aaron asks, confused.
"Make me remember what I use to feel for you. Make me remember how happy I was with you," I say.
Aaron immediately kisses me. I kiss him back but pull away after a few minutes. "Okay so maybe that kinda worked," I say with a smile.
"You're such a bad liar," Aaron says as he kisses me again.

This time after a few seconds Aaron pulls away, "Follow me we are going somewhere."

I follow Aaron as we walk out of my apartment and into the elevator. Aaron kisses me reminding me of the time when the lady walked in on us in this exact elevator and I immediately started laughing.
"What is so funny?" Aaron asks.
"Remember when we were going on our first date and we were in this exact elevator in this exact spot making out when that lady walked in?" I asked him.
"Why do you think I just did that," Aaron says.

Once we get into the parking garage Aaron unlocks my car and gets in the drivers side and starts to drive to god knows where with me in the passenger seat. We arrive at a restaurant and we get out and go inside. The waitress seats us and then takes our order. Once we order our food and get our drinks I sit there confused.

"Wait so why are we here?" I ask.
"Because I am hungry and I just assumed you were too," Aaron says.
"Fair enough," I say sipping my water.

We just casually chatted about little things that happened while Aaron went back to Texas and then our food finally arrived. After a few minutes Aaron accidentally spilled his drink all over him.
"Oh my god," I say laughing, "Here, are some napkins."
"I am just going to go into the bathroom and get cleaned up," Aaron says standing up and walking into the bathroom.
I realized what he was doing. He must've spilled it on purpose and wants me to go into the bathroom with him to "help him clean up." I go with my instincts and go into the bathroom where Aaron is standing in front of the mirror wiping off his shirt.
"Here let me help," I say grabbing the paper towel and wiping off his shirt for him. I look up into his beautiful eyes and kiss him. I've missed this so much. Not particularly the whole making out in a bathroom thing but just being with him in general. I was enjoying this but I still wasn't feeling the passion. I was feeling the excitement and thrill of it all but the sparks were missing and I don't know how to get them back.

After the inevitable person walking in on us we go back out and finish eating and then pay the bill and Aaron drives us to the park where we sit on the same bench as we did on that last date we were on and just talk. After awhile the sun is starting to set and Aaron and I sit there watching the moon rise in the sky.
"I'm sorry," I say grabbing Aaron's hand.
"Sorry for what?" Aaron asks obviously concerned.
"I just feel like I should be sorry. We spent do much time together and I don't want it to end like this," I confess.
"Follow me," Aaron says now standing up.
"Where to?" I ask.
"To find your feelings," Aaron says in a 'I'm not fucking joking I love you so much and I'm not going to loose you' tone.
"Alright," I say standing up and walking with him. After a minute or so of walking the pool comes in sight and Aaron drags me over the fence and near the edge and he throws me in. "What the hell was that for?" I ask.
"Because I felt like it," Aaron says laughing.
"Help me out," I say as I reach my hand up and grab Aaron's and I pull him into the pool with me. "How did you not see that coming?" I question him.
"Oh I did," Aaron says grabbing my face and kissing me.

Did I feel something that time? Yes.. Maybe.. I don't know.

"Do that again," I say to Aaron as he grabs my face and kisses me again.

I definetly felt something that time. Of course my thoughts were cut short when I heard a police car coming down the road and park in front of the pool. Why does this always happen to us.

"What are you two doing here?" a cop asks pointing his flashlight at us as we get out of the pool.
"Sorry sir," Aaron says to the cop.
"Oh, it is you two again," the firmiliar cop says to us. "Get in the car."
We do as we are told and get in the car and he drives us to the station where we each have one call. I immediately call Nova who picks up and says she would be there immediately. Aaron calls his mom to explain what happened. Nova comes and gets both of us out and she drives us to where my car was and after we thank her I drive us back to my apartment. We get back and go inside.

"I think it worked," I say sitting down on the couch.
"Really?" Aaron asks, sitting down next to me.
"Yeah, I think it did," I say giving Aaron a kiss and then turning on the TV as we snuggled up next to each other and fell asleep.


SOOOO..... I was going to be evil and make them break up in this chapter but I didn't because even I would've been sad. I'm so sorry this story as been all over the place but I have a good plot and a very good ending for this story but I think it should end around chapter 25 or 30 idk we will see how everything goes for now.

I also might start writing another fanfic but idk who about yet.

Goodnight I love you all for getting me to 1.5k reads which is insane. Vote if you want to. Love you all sm❤

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