Chapter 22

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A few years have gone by. Jackson and Aaron have been together through every accomplishment and failure that has come their way.

*Jackson's POV*

Sometimes I wonder how I got so lucky to have a wonderful husband and two wonderful kids that we adopted about six months ago. My thoughts were suddenly interrupted.
"Daddy, we are going to be late for school," Natalia my 6 year old daughter complains.
"We still have--- no time at all actually. Jake are you ready?" I ask my 9 year old son.
"Yeah," he says as he walks out of the door with us walking behind him and I lock the door as they run to the car.

I drive them to school and drop them off, "Have fun! Love you," I say as they get out of the car.
"Love you," Natalia says back and I drive back to the house.

I'm still doing YouTube videos and being a "social media star" which has been harder with the kids but I wouldn't want it any other way. Aaron is a nurse. Surprising right? Yeah, Aaron went to school to become a nurse and did it in a few short years. Social media just wasn't for him I guess.

I decided to film a few videos today just in case I couldn't film for some reason any other time and then go get some groceries and be the responsible adult that I am. Once I get back to the house I watch Netflix for a few hours and then I go pick up the kids from school.

"Can we go get ice cream?" Natalia asks.
"Maybe after dinner," I say pulling into the driveway.
We walk into the door and see Aaron sitting in the living room watching TV and I walk in and sit next to him and give him a kiss. Jake goes upstairs and Natalia jumps onto the couch next to Aaron.

"How was school, Nat?" Aaron asks.
"I made a new friend today," she says looking at the TV.
"Oh really? What is your friend's name?" I ask.
"His name is Andrew. He talks with his hands because he can't hear," Natalia says.
I couldn't help but smile, "So what do you guys want to eat tonight?" I ask.
"Can we go get ice cream, please!" Natalia begs.
"Maybe after dinner. I'm going to go get Jake," I say standing up and walking upstairs. I knock on his bedroom door and open it. "Jake?"
"Hey, what's up," Jake says, taking off his headphones.
"Is everything alright?" I ask.
"Why wouldn't anything be alright?" Jake asks.
"Well, you came straight up to your room and didn't say a word," I say now sitting down on his bed.
"Today was just hard I guess," he says.
"What happened?" I ask concerned.
"Kids just think they are cool to pick on me for having two dads," Jake says looking down.
"Would ice cream for dinner cheer you up?" I ask knowing Natalia would be extremely happy right now.
"Really?" Jake asks looking up at me.
"Let's go," I say standing up and walking down stairs. "Everyone get in the car we are going to get ice cream," I say and Natalia jumps up and runs out the door and to the car. We all get into the car and go get ice cream for dinner. Healthy, I know.

"Thank you so much!" Natalia says in excitement with ice cream all over her shirt.
"Thank you," Jake says as we all get out of the car and go inside.
"Time for a bath," Aaron says as he picks up Natalia and carries her upstairs.

I go upstairs and I get a shower after Natalia is done in the bath. I then go get comfy clothes on and at this point everyone is ready for bed and we go downstairs and watch a movie until 8:30 and we put Natalia to bed. We then go back downstairs and finish watching the movie which we let Jake stay up and watch with us and at 9:15 we are all ready to go to bed. Jake falls asleep on the couch so Aaron carries him up and puts him in bed and we go lay down in our bed.
"Goodnight, love you," Aaron says giving me a peck on the lips.
"Hey I have to tell you something," I say.
"What?" Aaron asks.
"I thought you might what to know that Jake is getting picked on at school," I say.
"Really? Why?" Aaron asks worried.
"For 'having two dads' as Jake said," I say.
"Is he okay?" Aaron asks.
"Yeah, he doesn't seem to be too bothered about it but I'm thinking about going in tomorrow to talk to the principal," I say.
"Do you want me to come with you?" Aaron asks.
"No, you don't have to take off of work for this. I think I can handle his principal," I say assuring Aaron.
"Okay, love you," Aaron says as he pulls me into his chest and drifts off to sleep.
"Love you too," I say falling asleep too.

We wake up at 6:00 and after getting ourselves ready we get the kids ready for school and Aaron leaves to go to work.

"C'mon, everyone in the car," I say jumping into the driver seat.
I drive them to school and when we get there I park and walk in with them.
"Why are you coming with us?" Jake asks.
"Don't worry about it. Love you, be good," I say as I walk into the office and they walk to class.

"Hello Sir, how may I help you?" a nice lady sitting at a desk asks.
"Hi, I would like to speak with the principal if she isn't busy," I say politely.
"You can go in right now," she says as she motions twords the principal's office and I smile and walk in.
"Hello, Miss? Do you have a moment?" I ask.
"How may I help you?" she asks.
"I am here to talk about my son. He told me that he is being teased by some kids that go to school with him," I say worriedly.
"And who exactly is your son?" she asks.
"Jake. Jake Krecioch," I say.
"Oh, Jake. He is one of my best students. All of his teachers say great things about him," she says with a smile. "Do you know why the other kids were picking on him exactly?" she asks.
"He told me that they make fun of him because he has two dads and I know this whole situation probably seems dramatic but I just want my son to be happy," I say.
"I will fix everything. Don't worry your son is in good hands," she says with a smile.
"Thank you so much. Have a nice day," I say as I walk out of the building and get into my car and go home. Once I get home I do a YouNow broadcast to get my mind off of things and then when it is time I go pick up the kids from school.


I haven't been consistent on updating in the past few days, sorry. Whenever I don't update you can go yell at me for being active on Instagram but not here lmao (kreciochupdatesss) <- that is my Instagram that you should follow😉😉

I really love this chapter but I think I say that about every chapter lol.

Don't forget there is a vote button that you should click for me. I love you all so much and I want you to be happy❤

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