Chapt. 1

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People misunderstand me. I'm human,  just like you. I have feelings, just like you. Yes, maybe it takes less effort to push me over the edge, but that doesn't mean I'm a monster. You don't have to treat me like I'm not even here. See me? Hear me? No, As I expected. 

I don't expect you to ever think of the beaten, the broken and the damned. What a fool I am, maybe, just maybe you'd take time to smell the flowers, and to maybe see the dead ones too. You may not be able to fix them, but at least you could try. 

"Cope," A familiar voice breaks my thoughts. "Cope, you still alive?" It's Dustin. 

Dustin Sanchez is my best guy friend ever. We've been two peas in a pod ever since we were four years old. He's like me. We both are to die for Falling in Reverse and My Chemical Romance, and definitely Andy Black... aka Andy Biersack!! 

Since, we're the only child in our families Dustin and I have been inseparable. "Cope!" He's touching me now. HE KNOWS I DON'T LIKE TO BE TOUCHED! "What Dustin!?" I am already getting annoyed with him and it's only been fifteen minutes. 

"Were you daydreaming about that guy again? What's his name..." He tries to look like he's actually trying to think hard. "Oh ya, Maxi pad!" He exclaims, louder than he should have. I hit his chest... which is rock hard so it hurt me more than it did him... and he laughed which made Mrs.Sheeran scowl at us. 

I hate that old lady. She creeps me out. You know, some days, she reminds me of a 70 year old prostitute. I swear! Mrs.Sheeran is the high school librarian. She is very stubborn about the world these days. "Shut up! He's hot!" I exclaim in a whisper so that bitch doesn't hear me, but she does. Whoopty f*ckin doo! 

"Cope. I honestly don't think that he's good for you." Dustin whispers in my ear. "Ya...ya cool." I wave him away. "Is he coming to your eighteenth party?" Dustin asks with worry in his eyes, but he tries to hide it. I can tell he doesn't like Max. I mean, who doesn't like him? He's 6'8" tall with blue hair and bright blue eyes. He has this cocky smile that ALL the girls fall for, and his teeth... his teeth are so perfectly white. He does this thing where he runs his hand through his hair and then his hair is all sexy looking and all messy after. "Cope, are you having a hard time listening today? Or what? HELLO? The bell rang, let's go!" Dustin's getting all feisty now, so I get my stuff together and tackle him to the floor. 

"Hahahaha!! I caught you off guard! I caught you off guard!!" I sayin a teasing, and mocking way. He rolls his eyes and exit's the library. 


I really hated him sometimes. This one time, he was at my house (obviously eating all my food) and we got into a fight over who should eat the last scoop of nutella. That intensely heated verbal argument turned into a physical fist fight. If you want to know, I won. 

Yes, Dustin can be a douchebag sometimes, he was still the peanut butter to my jelly. The pea to my nut. The lead to my gun, if you know what I mean. We're inseparable. Well, we WERE inseparable, until he got a girlfriend. 

Miranda Sweeney is the biggest bitch in the school. No, the whole district. She is a lady player. Dustin is too good for her. You may think that it's jealousy, but it's not. At least I don't think it is. 

What am I saying!? I like someone else. Dustin is not my type. Even though he's been there for me almost my whole life, he's not for me. Well, when I was 7, I did have a tiny crush on him. I was a dumb lovestruck child. Yes, but then a bus full of high school jocks called "REALITY" hit me pretty damn hard. 

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