Chapt. 12

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~Later That Day Copeland's POV~
Doctor Levi came in and announced that it was time for my bandage removal. I was excited and quite nervous at the same time, but more nervous. What if I was totally ugly and Max left me, or Kellin and Katelynne left me because they decided that they didn't want me anymore? What if I didn't even look like a Quinn anymore? 

We're halfway down the hallway to the operation room and I'm alone... Just the doc and I. "So, are you ready to see the new you?" He asks. No. "Ya, totally excited." I lie. "Cool, because I know that you'll love it." He says almost too happily. 

When we finally leave the endless white walls and enter a darkened room, a strange feeling washes over me. The room is almost like a nurses office at school. It has a cot and a stack of books in the corner. There's one of those wooden dressing shades up in the other corner. 

"Ok, Miss Quinn please stand up and come over here." I stand up without question and he moves the bed so it's blocking the door, as if we were trapped. 

"Uhh doctor, what are you doing?" I ask. "From now on, you will call me master, and you will not question my actions... Got it?" I nod frantically, not knowing what I am agreeing to. He quickly takes off my bandages and pins my down on the cot and gets on top of me. "You're so beautiful. Can I call you Cope? I'll just call you babygirl." He whispers in my ear. Why is he doing this? 

"Mmmmm you smell better than I imagined." Ok, now I'm freaking out, trying to get out of his grasp, but it only got tighter around my wrists. "We can't do this here." He says as if I led him on. "I'll check you out. Don't you move your ass of this cot or else." Then he just simply leaves, moving the bed back in front of the door, I'm guessing, before he took off. I hear his footsteps fading away briskly down the hallway. Why am I listening to him? Why don't I just make a run for it? 

I do so. I leave the room and head towards Max, in tears. "Max, he's going to take me." I say with tears falling. "I'm sorry, do I know you?" He looks so confused. "Yes, I'm Copeland. Please, baby he's signing me out and he's gonna take me away." I say in Max's chest as he pulls me into a hug. "Ok, you said that he was signing you out, right? Why don't we just leave?" I think and agree. We rush back to my room to collect our things to leave. We arrive at my door only to see doctor Levi blocking the doorway. 

"Ms.Quinn, where do you think you're going?" He says with an evil smirk on his cowardly face. "Home." I say back confidently. "Ya, I'm taking her home and hopefully leaving your sorry ass here to rot in jail for attempted rape." Max says with a stern, but I'm gonna kill you look. 

"SECURITY!!" Yells Levi. Suddenly, three huge security guards arrive and wait for his orders. "Take this man away." "NO!" I instantly yell. Two guys pick up a screaming and yelling Max. "PUT ME DOWN MTFer's!! COPE!! I LOVE YOU! I WILL FIND YOU I PROMISE BEAUTIFUL!!!" The third guard held me back from running after him. 

After I could no longer hear Max's yelling, the guard that was holding me back had brought me into my room and Levi told me to change. I did, and collected all my things with tears in my eyes. "Are you done yet?" Levi walks in on me to ask. "Ya, I'm almost done Master." I only call him that because I'm afraid of him and what he'll do. 

Levi is about 6'2" and very lean. He looks like he's in his early twenties, and he's semi-handsome. His hair is brown and curly. He has bright blue eyes and his teeth are almost perfectly white. He is wearing his lab coat, a blue shirt, black pants, and black shoes. 

"Hurry up." He spat at me, returning me to reality. When I finish, we walk passed the front desk, and the lady doesn't even look up to see me. Thanks front desk person. I mentally yell at her. When we get to his car, he forces me into the backseat and slams the door behind me, almost catching my foot in between the door. We drive off down the highway. Great

A/N Sorry this is so short guys, just want to keep up the suspicion. That's all. I love you guys<3

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