Chapt. 10

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~Kellin POV~
"WHAT ARE YOU DOING??!!" I walk into the bathroom and see Justin holding Copeland like she's a baby. I mean, she's my baby, but this in unacceptable! 

"Kellin! I was yelling at Jack and it scared her so I was just trying to comfort her. I'm sorry, sir. I won't do it again." His voice pleading. "If Max saw this he'd be hysterical. You know that? He loves her to pieces. DON'T TOUCH HER AGAIN!" I say, my tone getting more intense. Justin quickly gives Copeland to me and he exits out as quick as possible. 

I silently shoo away the other guys. "Are you OK Cope? He can be scary sometim-" She cut me off with a slap. I was startled by this, I just froze. "What the hell was that?! I can't believe you did that! I was perfectly fine! He did nothing wrong and you all treat him like shit! GO APOLOGIZE!" I try to speak after, but I can't. She pushes me aside and stomps out. 

~Copeland POV~
I come out of the bathroom and get swarmed by people with smiles. Andy comes up to me first. Yes, I melt, but that's not the point. "Hey, Cope, happy birthday!" He says excitedly. "I'm sorry, but I have to find Justin." I say then blow passed him. I run out into the parking lot and check the tour bus. "Justin? You in there?" I ask worriedly. I start banging on the door. Suddenly, the door swings open, and I'm pulled quickly in. The door is shut with extreme force, and I'm pushed up against it. 

"Copeland, you're beautiful and I'd get kicked out of the band for this, but..." Justin is scared, but sure. "What are you-" He cuts me off, pushing his soft, plump lips against mine with fire. The heat intensifies and I can't breathe.
Everything goes black.

~Justin POV~
I gassed her with isoflurane.

She's on the floor, dead looking. Reality has finally hit me... I possibly just killed my boss' kid. 

I quickly get rope and duct tape. They look quite well on her. When I put her on the couch, she slumps over. Lifeless. Guilt washes over me like a tsunami over Japan. I still head to the driver's' seat and drive away. To where? I'm not sure yet. I'll just follow the road, I guess.

After a few minutes, I pull into a restaurant and untie Copeland. I decide to wait until she wakes up to drive back to the hotel. She wakes up only moments later, and I apologize repeatedly. "Cope, I don't know what went through me. Please forgive me." She just sits there, looking out the window. I feel soooo bad now. It's her birthday, too. Ugh, even worse. 

"Where do you want to go?" I ask. "Home." She states flatly. Thought so. "I mean, anywhere in Michigan. I'll take you there. The park, the zoo...?" I semi-ask. She instantly lights up. 

"OMG Could we go to the Holland park? I love that park! It would be better than that cake that would only put on calories." She chuckles, as I do. "To the park it is!" I shout a little too loud and she shrinks down. "I'm sorry, I just have a louder voice when I'm excited. I shrug and start to drive. It takes three hours to drive all the way down there. 

I put the radio on when we get onto the highway. Haha, what do you know? Our song 'All My Heart.' Copeland starts singing to the chorus and so do I. 

You still have all of my...
You still have all of my...
You still have all my heart oh oh oh oh oh oh oh oh
There's too many times I have to say I could have been better and stronger for you and me
You always make me feel ok
Those late summers we spent, stay up talking all night
I'd ask, "you think we'd ever make it?" 

That's when I look at her. "What?" She asks defensively. "Do you think we'd ever make it?" I repeat, only not in song form. She just looks at me wide eyed. 

Her voice is so beautiful. Like doves in the sky. 

~3 Hours Later~  
"We're here!" I exclaim, and Copeland gets even more excited than she already was. "Can we go now??" She asks as her phone rings. 

~Copeland POV~
We pull up into the Holland park and my phone rings. "Hello?" I ask, since I've never seen the number before. "Where the fuck are you?" Max's voice booms. "Babe, I'm with Justin. He took me to the park for a while." I say trying to calm him down. 

"No, I'm coming to get you." He says a little too over protectively. "No, Max. I'm fine! It's only Justin Hills." I tell him. "Ya, I know damn right who it is." His voice goes from stern, to now soft and concerned. "Babe, I don't want him touching you wrong. You know what? I don't want him touching you AT ALL. And... And if he does, I"ll kill him, you understand?" I've never heard Max be this brutal. 

"Max! Calm down! He won't do such things, and neither will you, ok?" I say with aggravation in my voice. He sighs. "Ok. Come home quick because I have a surprise for you." Max has a fiesty tone hissing at me. "Uh, ok? Bye, see you later love." "Bye."

"Let's go." I smile at Justin and we get out. Instantly, a whole swarm of girls who look around my age surrounds us. 


Wait, WHAT!? I look at him and he was already looking at me with a smile. Justin suddenly pulls my by my waist and crashes his lips on mine. Startled, I push him away and run back onto the bus. 

"Omg, I totally got that pic!!" I hear one girl say. "Send it to me!! OMG I'm dying!!" Another girl says. "Me tooo!" Great... my life is ruined. I hope Max doesn't see that pic. 

~Max POV~
I honestly don't like Justin. He's a player and I feel like he's after my Cope. 

-ding ding-

I get a text from Dustin.

From Dustin To Max;
Hey, dude. Aren't you dating Copeland?

From Max To Dustin;
Ya, why?

From Dustin To Max;
Look what I found...

click image for full resolution

I clicked the link and I couldn't believe what I was seeing. 'Oh, no he didn't.' "KELLIN!! COME QUICK!" I call over Kellin who is on the other side of the lobby. He rushed over and I showed him a picture of Justin kissing Copeland. "Looks like he's forcing her to kiss him." he says with 10x my amount of anger and rage. 

"Imma kill that bastard. He wouldn't do such things she said I promise she said. AHHHHHHHHHH "Don't blame this on Copeland... Her eyes are open, which means that it was unexpected, and he forced her to. This isn't her fault." Kellin says to me, trying to hold back his demons from strangling Justin nor I. I can tell that he wants to explode, but he does fairly well on containing himself. 

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