Chapt. 30

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~Max POV~

I wake up to Copeland out of bed and pacing back and forth. WHen I sit up, she notices me. Also, that's when I see her tear stained face. "Babe, what's wrong?" The clock says 8:45 am. She muffles something I don't hear. "What?" I ask her to repeat. "I'm pregnant." She looks at me and I can see the fear built up in her eyes. "With twins." she continues. Are you kidding me? I want to say, but she's already stressed enough with the wedding, now me in the hospital. It's all too much for her, I can sense it. 

Before I can respond, she breaks out in laughter. What? "Babe, sit down." I sternly say to her and she does. "We can figure out how to deal with this. We can do it together. So that your dress still fits, we can have the wedding after I get the discharge." By now, she's stopped laughing. "You really think we can do this?" She asks. "Baby, I know we can do this." A smile breaks across her face. 

Her phone rings. 

C: Hey dad. 

~Copeland POV~
C: Hey dad.

K: Hey sweetie. Is Max alright?

C: Ya, when he gets out, we're going to have the wedding. 

K: Why so soon?

C: Dad, I'm pregnant.


C: Dad?


C: Dad??


C: Oh, hey mom.


C: Calm down mom. 

K: How many?

C: Two. 


C: Mom, I'll see you soon, ok?

K: Here, talk to your father.

C: Kk.

K:Sweetie, are you ready for this? It's a big responsibility.

C: Ya, plus I have Max here by my side. We're going to do it together. 

K: If he needs a job, he can join the band or something. Plus, your mother and I can lend you money to help. 

C: Dad, I'm going to be a mother, I can do this. I don't need your money. 

K: We're on our way down there. It'll probably be 20 minutes, ok dear?

C: Ok dad. 

K: Bye, love you. 

C: Love you too. Bye

~end call~

"Babe, mom and dad are on their way."  I say, just to let him know. "Ok, come here." I walk over to him and he takes me by surprise, kissing my belly. "Daddy loves you guys. Remember that." Then he kisses me again. We can do this. I can't wait to do this. Especially with Max. "Here, climb in." He makes a spot for me and I do. He kisses my shoulder and then the nurse walks in. "Good morning Mr and  Mrs.Sullivan. How are you today?" She walks over to the computer and types something. "Good." Max looks at me and smiles. His arm is wrapped around my shoulders and he squeezes a little bit. "That's good to hear. So, the doc looked at your ex rays and says that you are free to leave whenever you'd like." She writes some things down and types some more, then leaves. "Bye guys, have a nice day." She says, walking away. 

"Babe, you're still all bruised. Are you sure your head is ok?" I ask, just to make sure. "Yes, sweetie, I feel absolutely fine now."

~5 Hours Later and Back At Home~

"Owwwww! BABE!! It hurts!" Max yells, scrunching his head away from me. I told him this would happen. "Baby, if you just hold still, let me take the bandages off to see what it is we're dealing with. Mom, could you please get him some Ibuprofen. Baby hold still." Max falls to the ground. "Max? MAX! MOM!" I shout. He just... collapsed! Did I do it? OMG I KILLED HIM! No, stay calm. "OMG WHAT HAPPENED?" Mom sees him. "Kellin!!" Dad runs in and I lose it. Mom holds onto me as Kellin does CPR on Max. "He's breathing, but he needs rest. I'll bring him up into your room and you can choose to sleep with him or not, ok sweetie?" I nod. Mom wipes the tears away and holds me. "Mom, he told me he was fine." 

I go upstairs and dad puts max on my bed with a cold cloth on his forehead. When they leave the room, I sit next to him and rub his arm. "Baby, I'm so sorry. Please don't die on me." tears still falling and I go down head first onto the bed, unable to stop the sobbing. I don't know how long I stayed there until I felt Max rub the back of my head. "Baby, I'm fine. Just tired, ok? *caugh caugh*" I lay next to him and rest my head on his chest. "I love you." I say, because I can't seem to say anything else. He manages to wrap his arms around me. 

"Hey, you don't need to cry. We're getting married in a few days. There's no reason to be sad Cope." Max whispers into my ear. I nod and kiss him gently. "Plus, we're having kids. Parents, babe, parents. I know that I'm going to love them so much it breaks the love meter. If they're girls, I will protect them with all my heart. If they're boys, Imma teach them how to play football so that they can be on the team in high school, maybe even middle school. If it's a mix, Imma do both." Max has this all planned out. It's nice. "I even have name suggestions. For two boys, Tate Jacobs Sullivan and Jacob Tate Sullivan. For two girls, I was thinking Macy Clyde Sullivan and Skai Clyde Sullivan. If its a boy and a girl, I was thinking, Tate Jacobs Sullivan and Skai Jack Sullivan." Max is serious about this. He really is committed to this. 

"Babe, I love all those names. They're perfect." I say with a forced smile. Unfortunately, he sees through it. "Are you sure? What's wrong baby girl? You can tell me, I won't bite." Max says with a genuine smile, which turns me into a puddle every time. "It's just, I'm not ready for kids. This is all happening too fast and it all caught me blindsided. I don't know how to handle this." I say, not wanting to make eye contact with him because he might think I'm a loser, and a chicken. "Baby, look at me. We can do this together. You can do this. I believe we need this closeness because our lives are boring right now. We need this. Marriage and kids. We can do it if we're together, ok? And don't worry, I'll always be right by your side. No doubt about that." A smile sneaks its way across my face, which must be contagious because Max has one too. I have a good feeling about what's coming up. 

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