Chapt. 25

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List: Wedding Songs 






Date: July 26, 2021

~Copeland POV 1 Year Later~

Current Date: July 14, 2021

It's been a year since the accident. The doctor said that he broke three ribs, fractured both my arms in different places, and dislocated my left knee. He also said that I would walk with a limp, which I do, and that it is now easier to dislocate my knee again, only worse because the first time was so bad. Anywho, there is only a total of 12 days until Max's and my wedding and we're stoked! I already have my dress picked out and everything. Now, there's just waiting which is merely impossible.

My dress is white, of course, with lace covering the shoulders and 1/2 of my arms. Lace borders the V neck and continues over the white down to my waste. The dress itself comes down between my knees and ankles. Perfect length. The theme colors are white and gold, so I'm going to wear a sparkly choker with gold gems on it and my shoes are going to be white flats with gold sparkly tips. My veil is going to be fogged with a gold headband attached to it. 

Max is going to have Vic, Tony, Jaime, Mike, Liam, Rowan, his new buddy Kenny, and and his long time buddy Sam as his grooms men. I'm going to have Nick, Jesse, Jack, Gabe, Andy, CC, Jinx, and  Ashley as my brides men. Hehe, I have no girlfriends, and mom wanted to be an observer with dad. My plan is to have Vito walk me down the aisle with dad. Max chose his tux, but I'm not sure if he got it yet. He said it was black, but I wouldn't be surprised if it was like off green or something. Maybe with a bright yellow rose.... omg I need to stop. That's scary. 

It's going to take place on a farm in the southern part of Orlando. At the end, Max and I are going to ride one of those old fashioned horse wagons made for two into the sunset. Just kidding. We'll just be going to our honeymoon suite. Yes, while riding the horse wagon made for two. It'll be white and the wagon is going to be driven by Justice and Solution. 

Justice is a brown horse with magnificent white markings on her face and chest. It looks like she is wearing white boots too. Her eyes are brown and she has white eyebrows. Her tail is long and ragged. Solution is a white, tan, and brown horse with two different colored eyes. Ones blue, and ones green. Unlike Justice's, his tail is braided with colored beads in a rainbow pattern. They're so beautiful. I can't wait to do this. The farm is a farmhouse, with a huge field behind the house. The field continues out to the side for the horses and cows. 

There are two sheds for them to rest under. There are also those big metal hay bucket things in the middle of the field. To one side of this massive field, there is a little play area with a huge oak tree that holding up a rope swing with a sturdy wooden slab for a seat. Not the splintery kind either. The nice lacquered kind with the "easy to wide dry" plastic stuff on it. There is also a tiny playhouse for a little girl a bit off to the side. It's a nice shade af baby pink with white wavy trim. There is a little rocking chair on the tiny front porch. Also, there is one of those big metal sit and spins, but it's wooden and old looking. Jaxon told us that it was for his younger sister, Connie who visits him every once and awhile.

The owner, Jaxon Rosa, has three cows and five horses. Jaime, Big Momma, and Burt are the three cows. Justice, Solution, Millie, Ella, and Casper are his five horses. I've only seen Justice and Solution and I haven't seen any of his cows yet. Jaxon is a strong built man in his early twenties, like Max and I. He has dark brown hair, tan skin, green eyes, and a friendly setting all around him. The first time Max and I met him, he was wearing a cut off flannel with dark blue jeans with dark brown leather cowboy boots. His hair was gelled up and he actually looked decent. 

So, a few days ago, Annabelle moved down to Florida with Brent, who is her boyfriend of now 3 years. We've planned to meet up tonight at the local bar Minus 5. I heard it's a really good bar with colorful lights, a big dance floor and the largest drink menu in all of Orlando. "Max, you remember Brent?" I shout from the livingroom couch. He's in the kitchen making lunch for us. We're home alone because mom is out with some friends and dad is recording one of his last songs with Vic and the guys. 

"Ya, what about him?" He asks over the music, a hint of jealousy in his tone. "He'll be with us tonight. Hopefully you guys can get along for one night." What am I saying? I don't want to make him mad. "Hun, why are you telling me that? Now, I don't want to go. And you can't make me." I get up and move into the kitchen with one swift move. I hug him from behind and he sighs. "What do you want?" He asks, with a huffy puffy tone. "Hey, I love you. Remember, whatever you do, I'll be there with you. And if you don't want to go, then I won't either." I whisper. "Babe, I want you to go. You haven't seen her in quite a while. I want you to see her, and I know how much you've missed her." He finally gives in. Yay!! "So, you'll go?" I ask. "Why not." He says as he turns around to hug me. "No fighting and no over drinking, k?" I warn. "Fine..." He says with a small laugh after. 

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