Chapt. 2

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As I'm walking down the hall to social studies, my mind wanders. First thinking about if I did my homework, then to how it smells horrible in this end of the hall, to accusing people of farting. Again, I'm not normal, or I'm what my mom calls "a normal teenager" I guess. 

I look at my watch and it's 11:15 a.m. Ugh, only a few more hours till I can go home to two horrible, abusive parents who are over aged and overprotective... in a bad way. 

"AHH!!" My bad. "I'm so sorry! I should've been paying attention!" I start to say, but then I see who I ran into. Oops. I quickly avoid eye contact and start picking up his books. "haha, its ok. Here, let me help you." He says. "Max, you... you really don't have to. It's my fault. I'm sorry." I defend. His gaze has me the whole time.

 Max Sullivan is 6'8" and his eyes are bright blue. He is lean with an amazing six pack. It's not like I've ever seen them, but I can tell by his fitting black t-shirt. The black studded belt and black ripped skinny jeans are just perfect on him. Max's hair is  a bright blue and is emo styled. He is nothing like a jock, thank codfish. 

Max gives me a breathtaking, time stopping, crowd silencing, butterfly startling smile. 

"Hey, you're Copeland Quinn, right?" He asks. "Yea. Just Cope is fine though." I reply, trying not to show the blush behind my cheeks. Again! With the smile!! It melts me everytime. 

"Hey, are you going to Mr.Jackson's class?" Max looks at me with a soft expression and a small smirk upon his face. "Ya, I am, actually." I say, fading out. "Cool, wanna walk together?" He asks after a quick awkward silence. 

I finally wrap my head around what he is asking me, and reply almost at a supersonic speed. "Ya, sure." 

We walk almost inches apart. Hey, I may be obsessed, but it's ok. At least I'm not crazy. 

When the bell rings, Max takes my wrist and we run down to class as fast we could. Since it's the first day, Mr.Jackson lets it slide. "This time." He warns. Max and I take seats that are grouped in two in the back of the room. I kinda had no choice, since he was still holding onto my wrist.

 I spot Annabelle off to the right and she gives me a teasing wink that says, 'omg! he totally likes you!!'  which I doubt he does. I mean, we've really only talked today. That was the longest conversation we've had. Annabelle has been a close friend ever since middle school, and I'm still surprised that we stayed friends, considering that I used to be a complete and utter asshole in middle school. 

"Hello class. My name is Mr.Jackson and I'm going to be your junior social studies teacher. Like every other class, I have classroom rules." A loud groan comes from the other students. I can't help but snicker. "Ms.Quinn, is there a problem?" Mr.Jackson asks me with a sarcastic stern tone. "No." I say with a hint of uncontrolled snappiness. "Go to the office, NOW!!" He shouts at me. 

I start walking out the door when I hear, "May I please go to the bathroom?" Max stands up and Mr.Jackson gives him a look of warning. "Whatever, just go." Was his reply. 

Once we're half way down the hall Max surprises me. "Do you want to ditch class?"

I just stop in mid-step and look at him blankly. "Is that a yes?" He sees that I'm lost. What is he thinking?? We can't just ditch! We'll get caught. Doesn't he realize this? "Umm, Max..." When I say his name, his eyes gain a little bit of excitement and are spilling with desire. "Yea?" He asks in a tender tone. "Won't...." I stutter. "Won't what?" 

My gaze falls to his lips. Full, luscious, pink, soft lips. A small smirk grows on his face and I look back up to his eyes. "Won't we get caught? I mean, I'd love to, but..." He cuts me off, "We could go to the park and get cotton candy?" Max says in a bribing tone with an extra roll with his bright, beautiful blue eyes. 

After a lot of convincing, I finally give in. Max told me to stand on the sidewalk in front of the school while he drove his car over to me. A little while later, a matte black 2016 Dodge Charger with extremely tinted windows, pulls up next to me. Beautiful! The passenger window rolls down. "Hop in." Max states. 

When I get in, I notice that there is no middle console, so it's a three seater. I sit be the passenger window. He blasts Crazy Bitch by Buckcherry. Before we speed off, Max shouts the first note. I can't help but laugh at him.

We're on the highway when I look at the time. 1:47 p.m. That's when I realize that we're NOT going to the park to get cotton candy. 

I turn the music down. "Ummm, Max, where are we going?!" 

"Somewhere you'll love." He replies with a smug smirk. 

He barely knows me. Unless he's some secret spy who has been stalking me for a long time and knows my whole life up to this moment!! "gasp!!" 

"What?" Max looks puzzled. 

"Are you a secret agent?" I ask softly, suspiciously lowering my head and looking at him like this is an interrogation. 

All he does, is laugh at me. HE LAUGHS AT ME!!!! Who does that, like, seriously. 

"No, I'm not a secret agent. Annabelle told me everything." He looks at me and smiles before returning his attention to the road. How much did she tell him exactly? If everything, then she's gonna hear it later. 

"You know, I only asked her because I want to get to know you. From her description of your personality, you sound pretty cool." Max continues. "Well, we're almost there. Do you want to stop for a drink before we get there? We've got time." 

"Sure, so where is there, anyway?" I try to squeeze the answer out of him. 

"Not spilling the surprise darlin'." He is a hard nut to crack. I sigh and give up. 

I don't know if he did this on purpose, but Max put on Addicted by Saving Abel. I sing along to the first line, "I'm so addicted to, all the things you do, when you're going down on me in between the sheets. All the sounds you make, with every breath you take, it's unlike anything, when you're loving me." We stop at a red light and I try to not look at him. 

His eyes are burning holes all through me. It's almost like he's trying to get me to look at him. I resist. I CAN DO IT!! YEAH! 

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