Chapt. 16

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~Max's POV~ 
All I can do is just stand there looking at her, amazed. I don't know what to say, so I just wrap my arms around her. 

"Max, I wish-" I cut her off and kiss her for what seems like forever. I pull away and look into her big, beautiful, brown eyes. 

"Do you want to go to the Mall?" I ask and her face lights up. I go back to the room and look around for my wallet. I only have $100. Damn. Well, it'll do. 

I walk back out to Cope and she's dressed in a Black Veil Brides t-shirt, back skinny jeans with holey knees, and her black, spiked high-tops. Her hair is done normally, and she doesn;t have makeup on. Which I think is best. 

"You good?" I ask and get a nod and a half smile in return. "TRAVIS!" I yell to get him out of the donuts. "YA?!" He yells back. "CAN YOU GIVE US A RIDE TO THE MALL!?" Travis shows up in the doorway and says. "Let's go." and we head out. 

~Enters Mall Copeland's POV~

We walk in, and it's so busy. I automatically see a puppy stand that says; LIVE PUPPIES FOR SALE! at the top. 

"Eeeeeeeeeee!!!! Max!" I pull him behind me toward the stand. "Hello little lady, my name's Chad. What can I do for you today?" Chad asks. "I'd like a puppy, please." I say like a little girl wanting a pony ride. This puppy will be the highlight in my life, maybe even somewhat erase the memories. I look into the box thing and see an all white husky with crystal blue eyes and I instantly fall in love. 

"I want that one, please." I excitedly say and Chad hands him to me. I see Max hand him a $50. "What are you gonna name him?" Max looks at me then the puppy. "Vito." He smiles at me. "Can we go home?" I ask, we still have to get him a bed, food and toys. 

I bet the guys will love Vito as much as I do. I hope mom and dad likes him. 

"Max, will mom and dad come back?" He looks at me, astonished. "Why would you ask that? Of course they are... After kellin is done touring." He says wrapping his arm around me. Travis is still in the parking lot, eating a donut... of course. When we get back to the station, I'm stricken dead. Scarlett is sitting in the room where we sleep. I ran to her with Vito in my arms, got to the cot and put him down, and gave Scar a deadly hug. 

"I'm sorry." she said. "Justin should be sorry." I answer as we let go. I barely know her, but just from the past 10 months with her being here and there, she seems really fun to hang out with.

She saw everything Levi had put me through. She knows what happened. I hope she doesn't tell Max, I'd die. I can't have him know it would destroy him. I just can't see him blame himself for what happened.

I show Scarlett my cute Husky, Vito and she instantly falls in love with him. Max, Scar, and I all play around with Vito as Travis goes off to find a missing girl in the next town over. Poor kid. I trail off into deep thought as Max side hugs me and kisses my forehead. That's when I know I'm safe. 

A/N Hey! Yes, it's just a filler, but it will get better, I promise!!<3 love you guys so much!!

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