Chapt. 7

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A/N- This is sort of what the theme of the whole entire hotel is, but there are some minor differences. Sorry for that guys<3 Hopefully it gives you a semi-idea.


I wake up the next morning, expecting to be in my old crappy room back at my fake parents house, but instead, I wake up in this beautiful room snuggled up in a beautifully big bed with my boyfriend by my side. Max's arm is around me like I'm going to run away, but his sleeping face is so cute! Yes, that was cheesy, but get over it. 

I go to get up without waking Max up, but it doesn't work. "Morning beautiful." He says tiredly, and stretching up to kiss my cheek. I get up and stretch and turn around only to see a sleeping Max again. I chuckle to myself and head toward the bathroom. Hmmm, I didn't notice the shower head, cool. I turn the shower on all the way hot and let the steam fog up the mirror before getting undressed. Great, I forgot my clothes for today. 

I grab a towel and wrap it around myself before going back into the room. I silently tip toed to where I had placed my bag. It's not there. 


I look around and I spot it on the opposite side of the room. I silently sigh as I try NOT to wake Max up. I reach it without a peep, or even a slight snore from him. 

The zipper is kind of loud, but still... nothing. I turn to see if he's awake, and he's not. Ok, last night he wasn't a quiet sleeper. He can't just become one in the morning. This is starting to freak me out a little bit. Once I get my clothes, I quickly close my bag and stand up. Suddenly, a huge bang comes from behind me. I look down to see that i've knocked a vase over. DAMN IT! 

I look to see if that woke him up, but it didn't. Now, I'm really freaked out here. I nearly run to the bathroom with my clothes pressed up against my chest, but before I could make it to the door, two strong arms wrap around me, pulling me closer, stopping me short from the bathroom entrance. "Ah-" I start before their hand covers my mouth. I instantly recognize that smell and calm down.

"Morning beautiful." He whispers in my ear. I can feel my face start to burn up as Max buries his face in the crook of my neck. 

"Hey," I say back followed by a small chuckle. A knock at the door startles me as Max lets go and I run into the shower. 


I open the door to find Katelynne and Kellin standing hand in hand. "Morning Max." Kellin speaks first to break the brief awkward silence. 

I finally realize why it was suddenly awkward. "OMG I'm so sorry. I'll be right back." I grab my jeans and heft them up before returning to the door. Katelynne walks in first, greeting me with a small grin and a gentle hug. Kellin comes in behind her, greeting me with a firm handshake, which  return. 

"Where's Cope?" Katelunne asks me quizzically. 

"In the shower." I say, nodding over towards the bathroom after I slam myself back onto the bed. Kellin joins me, but ends up jumping right ontop of me. "Hey!" I yell playfully. "Sorry buddy, didn't mean to fuel the fire." That's when we both start laughing hysterically. 

A few minutes later, the most gorgeous woman I've ever seen comes walking out of the bathroom dressed in a red and black flannel over a tight black tank top, with her dark blue jeans. Her hair is in a white towel twisted up on top her head. 

"Oh, hey guys. What's up?" She looks so hot when she's confused. "Hey princess." I act like earlier didn't happen. "Hey. You're actually up now." She jokes. 

"Oh, sorry. If you want to be a wise ass then exit through that door and take a right down to the front desk.n] She'll be able to help you." I tell her in the gayest voice I could pull off. Kellin was the only one who laughed besides me. 

Copeland just scowled at me. I sink my head into my elbows on the bed to hide my smile. Hopefully, she stops scowling at me. I look up only to meet her scowling gaze again. 

Damn her.

My head falls right back into my elbows. "Cope, the police are after us. We have to bring you back." My head shoots up to look at her and Katelynne.

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