Chapt. 4

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Andy Black was singing 'We Don't Have To Dance' on his Shadow Side album. He looked so hot in his black skinnies and white button-up t-shirt. His black suspenders was like a bow on a present . 

Max and I made our way to the front of the crowd and we started to dance. I'm surprised we made it through that pile of sweaty bodies. It was one hell of a mosh pit, let me tell you. As we were walking through it, we were separated but then found each other again, because we're like that. We are two magnets. Max and I start to dance only t notice that Andy stopped singing. We all looked up to see him standing there watching me with horror written all over his face. Is he scared of my dancing? I mean, I'm bad and I'll admit it, but jeez, that was mean. 

"What was that all about?" Max asks me quizzically. 

A few minutes later, two huge guys dressed in black pants with black belts and black V necked shirts with dark Ray Bans on came from out behind the stage. They were frantically looking for something. Watching them mystified, their they saw Max and I and they started running towards us. 

I turn to Max who is freaking out as I get lifted up and thrown over one of the guy's shoulder so fast it blindsided me. 

Max was being pushed by the other guy while shouting at him. "WHAT THE HELL IS THIS!? I BROUGHT MY GIRLFRIEND TO SEE HER FAVORITE BAND IN CONCERT AND NOW THIS??!!! LET ME GO!!" 

"Wait, did he..." I smile at the thought. Or, at least I thought it was a thought. "Please be silent Ms.Quinn." My chauffeur spoke flatly, but kindly. Why was he treating me like a princess? This is freaky!

Max was still yelling at his captor until he is shut up. "JUST SHUT YOUR FUCKING MOUTH!" I couldn't help but stifle a laugh. I wasn't the only one who did either. Superman chuckled as well. Yes, I have decided to name him superman. He is tall, buff and he has a shaped face like Superman as well. I wouldn't doubt that he has laser eyes. Hmmm, maybe that's why they wear dark sunglasses all the time. 

After a while, the sun has set completely and the music is muffled a little bit. I feel the journey escalate and then I realize we are going up stairs. The door opens with a hint of squeakiness and I get put down on a nice, soft, comfy black couch. Max on the other hand, was pushed into a chair on the other side of the room. It was one of those fold up metal chairs. 

The room is really small. Maybe one of those celebrity trailers. I look around and I see one of those mirrors with the light bulbs all around the edges. The couch is along the back wall and a kitty cornered table in the other corner. A medium size television is up on the wall next to the door, and there are pictures of beaches on the other walls. The paint color is a light shade of pea green, and it really defines the single roomed trailer. The kitchen.... well there is only a fridge plugged into the wall. 

The guy who pushed Max into the chair was yelling at him and Max was going to lose his temper. I saw that. I told Superman. "José! Cut the shit! Go stand outside or something, just leave her friend alone." Superman says in a gruff tone as stands off to the right side of me. José looks pissed and it's quite amusing. 

Superman's walkie talkie went off in a bunch of static and he rushed out, and dragged José with him. 

It's just Max and I now. "What's this all about? Is this all part of your secret plan? So, Max explain." 

He sighs and starts. "First of all, this was not my 'secret plan' wherever you got that idea from. Second of all, I brought you to the concert because I wanted to ask you out when he was singing 'All My Heart', but now that the cat is out of the bag...." His cheeks got red very quickly. I felt my own face burning up. "Cope, I've liked you ever since we were lab partners during our freshman year. I like your humor and your laugh. You're really attractive and I love the color of your eyes. They're piercing my veil." Omg. Did he just go there? We both laugh awkwardly as he continues. "Everytime I see you, I get butterflies. Will you go out with me?" He looks at me with the most innocent face I've ever seen. 

"Yes, of course, but you have to admit... that was really cheesey and cocky," I give him a playful scolding look with an ironic twist. "but I loved it." I say with a wink. 

A smile grows on his face, revealing his amazingly white teeth. It's contagious. His everything is contagious. I love it. I love him, but I don't want to admit it. 

I go to get up, but then the door swings open and I sit right back down. Superman and a few other guys who are dressed the same way as him, enter. They all step aside to reveal this beautiful woman with long, black, wavy hair that goes down to her lower back. Her bangs are perfect length; not too short, yet not too long. 

Her shirt is a nice flowy white button up tucked neatly into black skinny jeans with short black boots that are studded around the heels. She is holding a MK purse which is perfect. Her sunglasses are big and fit her face, and her ruby red lipstick pops out like the moon on a clear dark night. 

I instantly recognize who this is. 

"K-K-Katelynne....." I force out. 

"Hi Copeland! Oh, I've missed you!!" She exclaims a little too excited, and rushes over to catch me in a suffocating, soul squeezing hug. I can't believe that my idol's wife is here, hugging me like she's known me forever. 

"OMG I can't believe that you're hugging me. This is a dream come true!" I say excitedly. She pulls away and just looks at me. I notice her eyes are the same exact color as mine; a bright brilliant green. They're filled with pain and sadness. 

"Can I talk to your friend Max real quick?" She suddenly asks. It catches me off guard. 

"Ya, sure. It's up to him though." I look at him and he nods slightly. Superman takes me out of the trailer. 

"Do you want me to take you backstage to Kellins concert? He's about to play." He says when the door shuts. My eyes widen and I nod slowly. Is this really happening? 

I pinch myself as we approach the backstage door. Definitely not a dream. I am lead to the curtains just before the stage starts and I see Kellin sitting on a stool with his guitar on his lap. I stand in awe as Superman stands next to me. 

Kellin looks over to me and I see a tear roll down his cheek before he turns back to the crowd with what looks like a forced smile. 

------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------*Max's POV*

Katelynne sits down where Copeland was sitting. I have the urge to ask her a billion questions, but I keep quiet. 

"So, are you two, ya know... goin' out?" She starts. "Ya. I've liked her ever since freshmen year." I say, realizing I have a stupid smile on my face. 

"Can I confess a huge mistake I've made? It involves Copeland." A worried look takes over her gaze, upon the floor. "What is it?" I ask, concerned.

"I'm Copeland's mother."

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