The Delivery Room

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~Copeland's POV~

"MAX!!!"It's been about ten hours and I've never been in this much pain down there before. It's bearable, but it still hurts so bad. "I'm here for you baby, I'm right here. Just breathe, you're going to be ok, I promise." Max says reassuringly over all the commotion in the room with my screams of pure pain. 

"Ok, keep pushing Copeland. Baby number 1 is almost out. I'm going to count down from five to one and you have to push with all your might. 5.." My nurse explains to me. I'm so scared to see my child, to see their eyes, both of them. "4, 3.." She continues. JUST GET TO ONE ALREADY!! IT FEELS LIKE I'M DYING!! "2, 1 PUSH!" I push with all my might. I need this baby girl or boy to be healthy. Please let him or her be healthy. I hear the cries of my almost born baby. 

"It's a girl!" The first nurse shouts, then another nurse takes over for my second baby. "Nurse!!" The second nurse shouts to the extra helper nurse who looks like she's just observing, or here if anything goes wrong. They mumble as I'm told to push once more, except, I don't feel anything come out. I give Max a worried look, and he kisses me on the forehead, then immediately goes to see what's wrong. He looks horrified. My anxiety builds at a rapid pace. "What's wrong?!" I demand an answer. Max and the nurses exchange looks and I get distracted by the other nurse who hands me my new baby girl. 

"Come on dear, let's get you cleaned up and out of here." The first nurse says, like everything's fine. I believe her. I believe that everything is fine. "Where's my second baby? Is it a boy or a girl?" I ask excitedly, yet a little concerned. The second nurse runs away with my second child, so I figure she's going to clean him or her up. I look at Max, who looks devastated. 

"Baby? Do you want to hold her?" I ask him, because now he's living with two girls that he has to take care of. He nods, tears rolling down his face. I gently hand her to him, and he starts talking to her. "Hey love. You look just like your mother; so very beautiful." I can already tell that she's got him wrapped around her little finger. He kisses her forehead and walks away with her, I'm guessing to show mom and dad their new granddaughter. 

After I get all cleaned up by the nurses and back into my room surrounded by mom, dad, Max, and a few other friends/family members, the original nurse comes in with a face full of sorrow, even though she is walking into a room of smiling faces. 

"Are you the Quinn- Sullivan family?" She asks, kind of shy. "Yes." Max speaks up as him and dad get up from sitting. "I have some.. news. About your baby boy." She looks at me, and it looks like she wants to cry, but she is actually keeping it together quite well. 

I know what this is about. He's around the corner. Another nurse is holding him, and he's ready to see his parents, and his whole family. A tear falls down her face. Maybe it isn't that..? No, he can't be that. I know I had two babies, two of them. Not one. I promised to love and to take care of both of them even before I gave birth. "I'm so sorry, Mrs.Sullivan." She continues. "He had a common disease called Cystic Fibrosis. It's a disease in pre-born infants that affects their lungs and/or digestive system and blocks the..." Dad sees my face and interrupts her. "Ok, that's enough, thank you." He says in an 'I'm about to break down' sort of way. Mom, is already at that point. 

As for me... well, I can't wrap my head around it. The nurse leaves, and I lose it. I can't hold it in. "I need to see him. Please!!" Tears rolling down my face. The machines are beeping like crazy, and two new nurses rushed in trying to calm me down. "Sir! Back up, Please!" They said frantically at Max, who looks at me with gloomy eyes. The needle that the nurse sticks into my arm catches me off guard, and it makes me pass out. 

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