Chapt. 5

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*Copeland's POV*                                                                                                                                                          

I watch Kellin as he ends the show blowing a kiss out to the crowd. As he walks backstage, I stand up from my stool off to the side and greet him. 

"Hello Kellin." I say, freaking out. " I'm a huge fan. I don't mean to bother you, but you're amazing and I love all of your songs." I try to say with as much control as I can. He looks at me and smiles. "You look just like your mother." He says hugging me tight as tears well up in his eyes. 

"What? My mother is short and she has short black hair. Her eyes are a deep brown color that scares me and she wears too much makeup." I say pulling away from him. 

"Oh... umm I need to talk to you about something... but before we get into that, why don't we spend some time together?" He asks with a faint smile. 


We walk out from the stage and surprisingly, there's no one here. The mosh pit emptied faster than I thought it would. "So, how have you been?" He asks as if we've been friends for a long time and we just haven't seen each other for years. 

"Ummm, I'm sorry I don't want to sound repetitive, but I just want you to know that I'm probably your biggest fan EVER." I emphasize for affect. 

"What? You are? Well, I think you'll like what you're about to hear." He replies with a gigantic smile before pulling me into a body squeezing hug, except this time, I hug him back. The feel of his arms around me makes me feel feel safe and warm. 

After a while of talking and getting to know each other, I see that we're heading back to the trailer. 

Outside the place, all of the people who played earlier, are standing around talking and laughing about who knows what, but when they see Kellin and they stop... and they stare. 

"Keep your eyes to yourself." Kellin says with a sudden tone of protectiveness. 

"Jesse? JUSTIN?! GABE??!! JJAACKKKK!!!!?????" I hear Justin whisper, "Oh my god." He looks at the other guys I can hardly contain myself when Andy Black comes out. "AAANNNNDDDDDYYYYYYY!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!"  He looks horrified, as he did when he was on stage. When I finally build up the courage to speak something other than their names, I say, "What's wrong? You looked like that when you were on stage." I ask him after three minutes (which felt like forever) of me nonstop staring at him, but he doesn't respond. 

Max comes out with 'my mind was just blown, but I can't tell you' look. "Umm, Max? Wh-what's going on?" 

Katelynne comes out with an 'I'm sorry, let me explain' look and now I'm scared. I walk up to Max and he takes my hand. 

"Cope... let me explain everything, ok? Kellin, come along." She says in a soft, reassuring tone. 

I walk up the stairs with all eyes on me, and it's uncomfortable. I get inside, and Max sits next to me with his arm around my shoulders for comfort. 

"So, Copeland. Kellin and I have some... news. I know it'll be a huge change, but it'll all be worth it." Katelynne starts. "Sweetie...." Kellin starts. Anxiety grows into a black hole in my core and I feel sick. 

--------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------A/N Sorry it's been so long guys. It's been a crazy weekend. Ya see, I'm out of state and in a hotel. It took sooooo long to get the wifi hooked up and it was frustrating. Love you guys<3

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