Chapt. 21 A Day In My Head

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~Max POV~
I don't know what to feel. Cope was really happy, but I'm overcome with emotions. I wish I could find my family that easily. It's not that i'm not happy for her, I am, but when I was two years old, my parents left me on the doorstep of the MCHS. The Methodists Children's Home Society. I have been fostered before, but they all said "I was too much to handle" and gave me back. There was this one couple who had three other kids; two boys and a girl. The girl and I got along fine, but the other two boys were older than me and thought they had the advantage to beat me up every time I "made a mistake." Every time they would hit me and then the mom came around the corner, they would throw themselves against the wall to kale it look like I beat THEM. She would spank me and then yell at me until her face was blue. God, I can't believe she believed them. And the thing is, I was the best out of them all. I wouldn't fight, hit or yell at the others. The other boys would beat me and put me down, making me feel lesser than a human being at times. Their girl, Roseanne I call her, would always pick me up when the boys would push me down, or give me a black eye. She would let me play up in her room all the time. She was truly a sister, and a friend to me.  She had blonde hair, blue eyes, and was tall for a ten year old. 

All I wanted was a great family who actually wanted me. I barely remember my mother. I've seen pictures. She's beautiful, but I heard she was cruel. She was also a gentle woman who had brown hair and blue eyes. She was dainty, but feisty. My father was also cruel, but totally different from her. I don't know what he actually looked like, but the girls at the society told me that he was big and buff. His hair was blonde, and he had green eyes. The girls also said that I look more like my mom than my dad; since I'm semi-frail. I'm not buff, but I'd like to be. At least for her. She probably thinks that I'm not manly enough to be a boyfriend. Come to think of it, she probably doesn't even like me anymore. Ok, ok I'm just being paranoid. I love her, and she loves me. Maybe. I don't know!! I roll over in bed to see Cope isn't there. Maybe she went downstairs. I look at the clock next to the bed. 9:37a.m. Yup, she probably is. I drag my butt outta bed and down stairs to see her sitting in the kitchen having Honey Smacks. I want some! "Morning babe." I speak to her. 

"Morning." she replies with me kissing her cheek before she continues to eat. Ugh, haven't had these in soooo long. "Sleep good?" Cope asks. "Ya, you?" I ask back. "Ehh, I guess." she answers with a saddened tone. "Aww, what's wrong?" I ask. "I had a dream that you left me because you didn't think you were god enough for me. I didn't know what to do with myself. I changed my appearance, I changed my hairstyle, and everything. After that didn't work, I got hooked on drugs and alcohol. You wanted me back, but I thought it was all out of pity so I said no. Then I never saw you again. I ended up dying at 24 and you committed suicide. Baby, I'm so sorry. You're just what I need and want. Please don't leave me." And with tears falling, she hugged me tight and didn't let go for a while. I tried to calm her down and reassure her that I'm not going anywhere. That also clears my anxiety about not being enough for her. I am good enough for her and I plan to be the best guy I can for her. No matter what heads our way. I look around and see Vito sleeping on the couch. I quietly whistle to get his attention. His head peaks up and he wags his tail wildly. "Come here boy." I whisper and he comes. I guess he instantly knew something was wrong, and he comforted Cope. He is the sweetest pup ever. Copeland told me that when I'm not here, he sleeps in my side of the bed to make her fall asleep faster as if I'm actually there. Cute, huh? He's a gentleman, that's for sure. "Hey boy. " Cope says then pets him gently. "Baby, I'm never gonna leave you, and that's a promise. " I reassure her. "I love you, baby girl." I say. "I love you too sweety." Today is going to be great. 

~5 1/2 hours later~

"Hey Vic, could you give me some advice?" I ask to break the silence in the studio. "About what?" Vic replies. "Is it too early to propose to Cope?" He spits his water out all over the recording glass. We're currently helping SWS record a new single. "You do know Kellin is right in there! What do you think he would do? HE'D CUT YOUR FUCKING LIMBS OFF, THAT'S WHAT HE'D DO!! HAVE YOU EVEN THOUGHT THIS OUT?? YOU'RE RISKING YOUR LIFE OF NEVER HAVING ANOTHER GIRLFRIEND AGAIN!! YOU'RE TOO YOUNG ANYWAY!!" Kellin steps out and asks what the whole commotion was about. "Kellin, it was nothing. I was just talking about moving up North." I lied. Why the hell did I just lie? oh ya, SO I DON'T GET MY LIMBS CUT OFF! "Oh, why? Too hot for you down here?" He asked laughing and looking at Vic who tried to fake laugh, but failed. "Ok, what's really going on?" Kellin asks in all seriousness. "MaxwantstoaskCopelandforherhandinmarriage!" Vic suddenly bursts. Noooo!!!! "You what?" Kellin asks is a mad/quiet tone. I don't respond. " ANSWER ME BOY!" "I w-want to... if it's ok w-with y-you... a-ask C-C-Cope for h-her hand in m-marriage...?"  Kellin puts a smile on his face and simply says "Ok. Just let me know when the wedding is." and he leaves the recording room. Vic's face was priceless. It was a "surprised, shocked, scared for his life" look. "It's ok Vic, this proves he likes me more than he likes you." I say with a smirk. "I'm taking you to Jared's to get her a ring. I'll give you the money, and you have no budget." He suddenly speaks. Ok, why not?

When we get back home, I have the ring. It has a black band with a purple diamond heart. There are tiny diamond leaves on the outside that go around the heart and the black has carved out vines that go all around the ring. It absolutely took my breathe away, and I hope it will do the same to her. Vic brought me back to the Quinn residence and Katelynne greeted me with a hug. "When are you gonna do it?" she asks me in a whisper. "I don't know yet." I tell her. "I approve, let me just say. Kellin came home and told me what happened and what you plan on doing." she hugs me again then resumes doing the dishes. I hobble upstairs to see Cope laying in bed with a lamp on and a book open. "Hey baby." I say. "Heyy." was her response, holding the 'y' too long. I hide the tiny velvet box in the pocket of my coat and walk over to the bed. I climbed in and kissed her on the forehead. "Whatcha reading?" looking at the cover. "A romance novel called 'The Secret of Ella and Micha(Mika)." she says with a smile on her face. I close her book and tickle her. "Babe! Stop it! (laughs) You made me lose my page!! Babe!! (laughs more)." I stop and she playfully kisses me. "Cope, I love you. I really do." I reassure her. "I know, and I love you more." she smiles. "Should the tickle monster come out again?" I ask with a dastardly grin on my face. "No! (laughs) I'm sorry. But it's true." I tickle her once again. "Stop it! I'm going to pee the bed! (laughs even more)." "Give me a kiss goodnight." she says when I stop attacking her with tickles and little kisses. "Mwah!!" I over dramatize. "Goodnight baby." she says as she turns the lamp out. "Night babygirl." and from there, we cuddle and fall asleep in eachothers arms. The best way to fall asleep. 

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