Chapt. 15

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~Max POV~
I don't know how much longer I can stand being alone. I just want to hold her in my arms. The past 10 months. 10 FREAKING MONTHS Travis has come back to the station empty handed. This whole thing is driving me crazy!!! Every night I cry myself to sleep. I've been staying in the station ever since Kellin and Katelynne had to go back to Miami. Oh my god they were a wreck. I will never forget the look on his face when he told Travis and his team to bring her back home. 

I'm doing what I always do, laying on my cot, sulking, when Travis comes happily through the door to my "room". It sends a wave of hope through me. Maybe he actually found her and she's not dead! 

"Free donuts!!" He yells and my hope dies. "Ok, ok, if you want me to get up you could just say so. Don't bribe me with free food." I say, slowly getting up off the cot and walking into the office area where the waiting room is. When I look up, I see a miracle. I see an angel. I see the love of my life. 

I see Copeland. 

I become overwhelmed with tears of joy. After all this time, I finally have her back in my arms. She looks at me and starts running towards me with a smile. I catch her carefully because she looks so fragile, so breakable, so broken. 

"Oh my... I love you." is all I manage to get out in between sobs as we fall to the floor. "I love you too Max<3" Cope says into my chest with falling tears. As I look closer at her, she has bruises and cuts. That douchebag. He better rot in jail. She did NOT deserve this. 

"Cope, babe, I'm so sorry..." She cut me off. "Don't... please." I nod and leave it alone. 

I cannot control what I do next. I kiss her, not aware that she was trying to get away from me. She gets away with tears. "Get off of me!!" She yells. I look at her with so much sorrow and hurt. I didn't mean to hurt her, I just love her. Whatever that bastard did to her, he fucked her up pretty bad. "Baby, if you don't like me, just say so. I'll go." I say and turn around. 

"I need you, Max." Is all I hear before I turn to look at her, hurt. "Can I talk to you?" she asks. I nod and she walks into the room where I've been staying. 

I sit down and she sits ontop of me, having a leg on either side of me and she buries her face in my chest, crying. I rub her back gently and she fidgets a little bit, as if she's uncomfortable. 

"Baby, it's me. The same Max as before. You don't have to be scared of me. I'm here for you." Cope looks up and nods. "I know, it's just... he... well... he hit me, and he would force me to..." she fades out and falls into me a little. "Baby, I'm here for when you're ready, ok? You don't have to tell me now." I reassure her.

 "Can I kiss you?" I ask a while later. She nods and I go easy, so I don't frighten her like I did earlier. She is really broken,  feel so bad. I mean, ya I missed her, but she's different. Just by looking in her eyes, you can see that she's broken. If I ever see that guy again, I'd kill him. HE RUINED MY BABY!! AND HE'S GONNA PAY!!!! I yell mantally. 

"I love you so much and I'll never, ever let anyone hurt you again, ok babygirl?" and I hug her slowly. "It just hurts so bad." Copeland says, sobbing. 

~Three Hours Later~
I wake up and we're still in the station. I look at the automatic clock above the door. 2:37 am. Copeland is laying on my chest, all curled up in the cute way. She's gripping my shirt a little bit; enough to pull it a little. I love her sleeping face, but it filled with so much hurt and sadness. I just can't wait until Kellin gets here. 

~Copeland's POV~
I wake up alone on the cot. I look around and get a little scared that he came back, took Max, and killed him. But once my mind takes over, Max walks in with a cup of coffee and a donut. His bed head is so cute. Especially with his blue hair. I smile at him, and his donut filled smile, smiles back. He walks closer, and I flinch. I automatically see the pain in his eyes. I don't mean to, I just think that everyone is out to get me now. That they told him to take me away. For me to be out of their lives. 

I still cry at the thought,so I shake it out of my mind. "Babe, I..." he starts. "It's ok, just forget it and come here." I say as casual as possible, but fail. He walks over and hands me a donut. I decline because I'm trying to lose weight. Ya ya, I'm skinny enough, but he would tell me over and over again, "You're too fat for my liking." "Slut." "Whore." "I wish you would die." Then he would... never mind. 

"Babe, you look like you're starving." he brings me out of my thoughts. "Why?? So you can call me fat, and a whore, and A SLUT!" I raise my voice, but cover my mouth and run out. I shouldn't have said that. He doesn't deserve it. "Is that what he would say to you?" Max approaches from behind me, lightly grabbing my arm. I turn to him. "I'm sorry." I say. "Is that what he would say to you.?!" Max asks a little more stern now. I give in. "Ya." I look down to the floor in shame. 

I'm a monster. 

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