Chapt. 26

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~Max Pov~

I don't want to be here right now. Brent. Fucking Brent. Why him? Why couldn't Annabelle bring Josh, her brother, or something. Brent and I have a bad, bad past. Copeland doesn't know what actually happened between us, but its not like I want her to know, I don't. I wish I didn't know sometimes. 

~flashback present tense~ It was the first day of my sophomore year in highschool. I kinda didn't want to be there, but whatever. So, I'm walking, minding my own business, then about twenty minutes after I walk into the door I see a group of four guys, all bigger and buffer than me, of course. Two had leather coats on with brown hair and blue jeans. Their shirt says "Wild Hogs". Maybe from the movie. The other ones were wearing different color coordinated things. One was wearing a blue flannel with a black shirt under it with light blue jeans and black boots, and the other one was wearing a red flannel with a white shirt under it with dark blue jeans and also black boots. Their hair was blonde. They were hanging out by the lockers when I passed them, trying to keep my distance. I was always a shy kid, and I only hung out with three other people, not even. 

"Hey, watch where you're going!" The blue flannel guy says to me. I didn't even touch him! "Hey, you pick on one of us, you pick on all of us." One of the bigger guys with the leather jacket on said. "But I-" He interrupts me. "I don't give a damn!" and he pulls out a knife. The others swarm around back of him and cracking their knuckles. The knife guy turns around to tell them to stop, and I see a name on the back of his jacket. Brent. 

Brent came at me with the knife and I swear my life was over, but my hands didn't seem to think so. I pushed him up against the wall and my hands grabbed the knife from him and stabbed him twice in the stomach and once in the chest. I regret what I did immediately after I did it because the principal turned the corner and saw me with a knife and a bleeding student crying in pain on the floor, in a puddle of blood, and the other kids gasping in horror  around me. 'Did I really just do that? What is Aubry going to think?' I look around and notice she isn't anywhere. Aubry then come around the corner out of biology and sees what happened. "Babe I...." I start saying to her. "We're over. Next time you do that it'll be during the night... and to me." and her along with others, walk away crying. 

Before long the ambulance comes with police and next thing I know is I'm sitting in the principal's office getting forced against the wall and cuffed, then I have to get in front of the school and say I did it even though I'm pretty sure they already know. After I did, they all cheered me. I stabbed the biggest bully in the school. So, the police uncuffed me and my punishment was a week suspension. ~end flashback~

I look at the clock; 7:30. What time did she say we were leaving again? I don't know. I better get dressed though. I can't get over what happened though. I regret it all. 

"Babe, you ready?!" Cope asks from the bottom of the stairs. "No, I'm just getting into the shower!" I yell back so she could hear me. "Hurry up! We have 10 minutes before we have to leave!!" I hurriedly jump into the shower and wash up. I get out and choose a fancy light blue shirt and dark blue jeans with my converse and my watch. I roll up my sleeves half way (up to my elbows) and i leave it unbuttoned with a black Pierce The Veil tee on under it. My hair is normal, but more neat. It's off to the side where I can run my hands through it and make it look hot. I head downstairs and I'm greeted with my lovely Copeland. 

She looks absolutely fantastic! She is wearing a red dress that fits her body tight, but not too tight. The dress has only one strap which is on the left side and it has ruffles about 5 inches from the bottom of the dress which is above her knees. She is wearing black heels with golden metal tips and golden on the heel part. Her hair is up in a elegant bun with a curl coming from it on either sides of her face. She is wearing ruby red lipstick and her nails are black. Beautiful. 

"Hey gorgeous." I say as I approach her. "Hey, badass." she snaps in return with a devilish/cute smile. "You ready??" I ask as I wrap my arms around her. "Ya, let's go." and we walk outside hand in hand. "By mom, bye dad! We'll be home later!" Cope shouts before we officially leave. "Ok sweetie, love you." Katelynne shouts back, then we leave. I just know this isn't going to go very well. 

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