Chapt. 22

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~Copeland POV 2 Months later~
11:32 p.m. I woke up from being sick. Ughhh! I've been sick for the past four days and I don't know why. When I finish, I hop back into bed next to Max. He moves and wraps his arms around my waist and falls back asleep. Unfortunately, I don't. I think how different my life would be right now if I hadn't met Max. He wants to bring me to dinner tonight and I'm really excited. I don't know where, but all I know is that it's going to be beautiful. Whenever Max says that we're going out to dinner, it usually means McDonalds with burgers and fries, but he said no McDonalds this time. Thank codfish! I am starting to get fat. 

I just don't know what to wear. I have a red dress that shows my curves, but it's a mermaids tail. I have a short black dress that has straps halfway down my shoulders, but it's see through more than 90% of it; too slutty. I decide to look up in my closet to see what I have. I immediately find a black dress that's perfect. It's a cocktail dress that had no straps, but it has a lace covering connected to the dress. The lace part covers my collarbones, my upper back, and my shoulders. The dress goes down to just above my knees, so I am also going to wear my black high tops that have gold studs on them. Mom and I went shopping at the mall a few weeks ago, and that's the outfit I got. Plus, the shoes make me look three inches taller than I actually am; still shorter than Max though. 

When we get into his car, a matte black dodge charger, we head off to the restaurant. The ride is nice until Max says that he wants to talk to me about something. Fear claws up my throat and I can't speak. What does he want to talk about? Why now? Is he leaving me? If he did, I wouldn't be able to bare it. It's my dream happening all over again! Noooooo!!"Babe, it's kind of important. Please just bare with me. I love you and I'd do anything for you." He's calling me babe up till our last second as being a couple, how sweet. NOT. "What is this about?" I ask. "You'll see." His smile appears, so that adds some ease, I guess. Or maybe it was a "you're on your own" smile. I don't know. Anxiety builds up again. 

The restaurant is beautiful.  It's the new Chinese buffet called Tropical Chinese. It has the red lanterns by the front door as you walk in and the door is black with a huge glass window that has an etched fiery dragon for the decor. The building is a light beige color and the roof is a dark brown. The windows are tinted so they appear black with white trim. When we walk inside, I instantly notice the wine rack behind a sheet of glass with a door to access it, which is aldo glass but with a black metal trim. The circular tables are nicely arranged. The can fit up to six people, but there are tables for two as well. A man comes up to the waiting desk and he told us to follow him, and we did... hand in hand. We were led to a separate part of the restaurant for privacy. Ok, Max has something going on and it's freaking me out. When the waiter leaves with our drink orders, I ask Max "What's going on? You never request a private spot for us." I look at him as he gets up to get food. I hold him back, "What did you want to talk about?" I look at him sternly as he turns to sit back down. 

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