Chapter Eighteen~*

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1- Jamie

Across from me, Karlyah is breathing fast and hard, her teeth gritted in fury. At this point, my feet are aching from having to stand on tiptoes this whole time and my shoulder is screaming in pain. Karlyah looks over at me, reaches back up to the chain and, after straining for a moment, pulls the chain from the wall. She falls onto her knees, letting out a sharp cry when she lands on her broken leg.

"Karlyah?" I ask hesitantly, becoming increasingly more aware of how strained my voice is beginning to sound.

"I'm fine," she growls, grabbing ahold of the last chain on her feet and ripping it straight from the wall. Then, she stands up and, even from here, I can see her swaying slightly on her feet.

"Karlyah, don't. You're really injured. You might make it worse by standing on it."

"I need to get you free."

"Don't be dumb! You'd be no good to us if you're incapable of walking or running because you insisted on using your leg while it's hurt." I shout.

Her voice raised to match mine. "You're no good to me if you're chained to a fucking wall! No be quiet and stay still so I can pull it out."

"Karlyah, I'll be fine." I glare at her as she gets closer to me, limping painfully the whole way. She ignores what I say, grabbing a good length of the chain and tugging it forcefully out. My arm screamed in pain when she was done and, now that it was no longer being forced up, it dropped to my side. I couldn't really move it but the jolt from the whole operation caused a searing pain to run up and down it.

"Is it dislocated?" Karlyah asks, her breathing heavy.

I nod. "I think so. You need to sit down."

She looks hesitant at first but she lowers herself onto the floor. I sit down beside her, being extremely careful of my arm. Karlyah is watching me carefully, her focus on my arm more than anything. Her hand reached out and she pushed on my shoulder gently. I glared at her, turning myself so she wouldn't be able to do it again.

"Are you trying to make it worse?" I ask, pissed.

"No, I'm trying to see where it dislocated. I'm going to have to pop it back in the socket, right?" She asks, moving closer to me.

I look at my arm. "Well, yeah. I think so. I'm not very familiar with this stuff, just what I saw Slender do from the days he forced me out of my room to be with him so he could keep watch of me. I mean, I've had dislocated shoulders before because of all the karate and kickboxing, but there was always a doctor to fix it."

"I probably know less than you so help me out. I only know how to break bones, not fix them." With a pained expression, Karlyah gets on her knees and positions herself near my shoulder.

"That's not very helpful," I say, suddenly feeling extremely nervous. "I think you have to figure out where it popped out first."

"I guess I just feel around it then?" Her fingers trail gently over my shoulder, pushing down. When she gets to the front and pushes down, a sharp pain runs all through my body and I gasp. "There?"

"Yeah, I think so. Now you should be able to guide it back into the socket. Be careful." I warn her as she puts her palm against my shoulder. This seems right. I remember the doctors putting their hands in a similar position to how hers are now.

"I'll try but no promises." Her brows draw together as she starts pushing against the bone. I stay completely still, afraid that any movement on my part will make her mess up. It takes her only a few seconds to guide the bone back into the socket but it feels much longer. When she moves away, I curl up slightly and fight back tears.

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