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Life was hard for you these past couple weeks. Ethan lived in California living out his YouTube career and you were in Ohio finishing up school. You were a junior in High School when you met your boyfriend. Ever since then you guys always talked regardless the distance, but sometimes life just hit hard and you felt really lonesome. To Skype, to call, to facetime, to text- It wasn't the same as being in his arms.

The bell rang for first period and you began to walk with your friend Rachel, She was the only person who understood how you felt. She was your best friend and she was always there for you no matter what was happening. Whether it be feeling lonely, stress, or family troubles she was always there with open arms.

"You are missing him aren't you?" She had a pitiful look on her face. 

"Yeah, I miss my blue haired goof ball. We have prom coming up and with it being my senior year, I really would like to go with my boyfriend- but that just isn't an option right now."

"You never know, he could just very well surprise you and sweep you off your feet."

I shake my head in response, getting a chuckle out of her.

"Y/N, Just stay positive alright? It will work out in the end." She left with a smile and a wink.

We were on an adjusted schedule because of an assembly after 4th period and so my day went by relatively quick. Statistics were the death of me but it went by like a fast painful death. Soon enough it was the assembly, where like normal- No one sat in their "Assigned sections" by class. Our Assistant Principal of course is trying to be hip and "Pump up the crowd" as he said. When we begin the assembly. I realized, I had no idea what this was about- It wasn't Friday so it wasn't a spirit/game day. We didn't have an all school dance coming up. We didn't have anything going on.

"Hey Rach, do you have any idea what this is about?" But before she could answer, her face creeps up a smile.

"Okay (School name), I need a student down here- where is Y/f/n, Y/l/n?" I stand and the pressure is on me. What did I do to deserve this?

"Come on down." Everyone claps and I am urged to sit in an office chair that is clearly staged.

"So (School Name), I wanted you guys to know something about (Y/N). Is it right that you have a boyfriend named Ethan who you have dated for a year?" I nod in agreement.

"Is it true that it is a long distance one?" He asks.

"Ethan lives in California." He nods in understanding.

"Well (Y/N), I was contacted by Rachel and Ethan to show you this." He motions our tech adviser and the screen starts projecting a video.

"Hey Babe, I am sorry I couldn't be there for you right now. I know you are lonely and I am sorry to have cause you this. Hopefully this makes up for it." He pulls out his Ukulele and starts strumming.

 (The song attached fits here- Yes I know there is video of Ethan actually singing this, but this version works a little better with the imagine)

Sitting at his computer he begins to sing along to the tune.

Wise- men say. Only fools rush in, but I can't help falling in love with you.

The video jumps to him in his room packing a suitcase.

Shall- I stay? Would it be- a sin.

If I can't help falling in love with you.

Next it cuts to him walking through an airport... wait is this?

Like a river flows, Shorely to the sea.

Darling so it goes, Some things were mean't to be.

Now he is walking onto a plane, what is going on Ethan?

take- my hand, take my whole- life too.

Now everyone on the plane is singing with him, Ethan you did not do this.

Cause I- Can't help- Falling in love with you.

He is in a car with Mark, But where is he and where is going. Ethan I need an answer I'm going to cry.

Like a river flows, Shorely to the sea.

Darling so it goes, Some things- were mean't to be

He is walking somewhere... WAIT THAT'S THE SCIENCE HALLWAY. 

Take- my hand, Take my whole life too.

I hear his voice for the first time in months through the microphone and soon everyone in this gymnasium is singing along with him. Here comes the water works.

Cause I- Can't help- Falling in love with you.

I turn around to see my blue haired baby singing.

Cause I- Can't help- Falling in love with you. 

He points his finger at me and I realize what just happened and jump into his arms.

Cause I- Can't help- falling in love- with you.

I breakdown in his arms and he holds me into a tight embrace, both mind blown that we are actually together.

"Everyone, meet (Y/N)'s boyfriend Ethan. Now I think he has something important to ask you, y/n." Our Assistant Principal said.

Soon enough Mark, Amy, Tyler and Rachel come running in with a banner that says Prom on it.

You sob a yes into his chest and he holds you tighter.

"I was going to back flip through the sign but I'm a guest here and I was told not to, in case I fuck up."

You both chuckle at this comment, 

"Yeah, one fuck up and the school gets sued." He nods and lets out another chuckle.

You are dismissed from school early and the car ride home Ethan held you in his arms, this was what you wanted the rest of your life to be was in his arms.

Cause I can't help falling in love- with- you.

A/N- I really hope this was a good first imagine!! I got this idea ironically when I was hurting really bad because of a dude. Somehow once again Ethan saved my day from being shit. <3 Stay Cranky guys and leave me requests and I will happily do them!


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