Cute Sneezes

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"Ethannnnnnnnn" You groan moving an arm to be on your sleeping boyfriend's face.

He shifts in bed and groans. Not getting up.

"Ethannn I'm sickkkkk." He doesn't move a single muscle.

"Ugh. It's okay, keep sleeping."

You move to the living room that you, Ethan, Mark and Amy shared, plopping your pillow on the couch, you bundled yourself up in 3 different blankets on top of Ethan's sweatshirt you were wearing.

Your fever must have been high because you fell asleep immediately.

-Timeskip and Character pov change-

-Ethan's POV-

I woke up around 7 to not find Y/n in bed with me, we always had cuddles in the morning so this wasn't like her.

I walked to Mark's recording room and asked if he has seen Y/n.

"She is sleeping on the couch, Amy and I figured you and her got in a fight because we heard he sniffling, but upon Amy taking one for the team, it's just her getting sick. Apparently she's been feeling sick for hours now but you wouldn't wake up."

"I'm going to go check on her, thanks dude."

I turn around to see Amy who doesn't look pleased.

"Go take care of your sick girlfriend, The poor girl has a high fever let's not add a boyfriend who didn't wake up or acknowledge her existence when she kept urging him to wake up, Mr. I sleep like a log."

You walk towards the scene after that whole discussion with Amy.

Y/n POV-

"Hey Y/n, I'm sorry I didn't wake up when you tried to get me to. I was really heavily out. But I'm up now, How are you feeling."

Her voice dry as the Sahara desert and raspy like Raven's voice from Teen Titans she very quietly gets out,

"I feel like actual death."

He makes a sad puppy dog face and pulls you into a warm hug, he hated seeing you sick like this.

"Achoo!" You let out a very forceful sneeze leaving you in shivers.

Ethan pulls you more into the warmth of his body and you begin to hear laughing.

"Are you laughing at my misery?" You ask while the blue haired boy laughs while holding you.

"No- well yes I am." He lets out another laugh, "That was the cutest sneeze I have ever heard, it was so cute and petite, It was so adorable!" 

"Ethan it wasn't cute and it wasn't adorable."

"But it was! It was the cutest little achoo I have ever heard, it was like a baby kitten and it fits your cute tiny personality."

"achoo!" you sneeze again.

"Whoever just sneezed, bless you- and golly was that a cute sneeze." you hear Mark say walking into the living room.

"SEE! IT IS CUTE AND PETITE" You death glare your boyfriend hardcore.

"I am fucking fury. I am not cute." You say with slight anger and joke in your voice.

"achoo!" You sneeze again.

"Come here fury, let's get you to bed." Ethan said still laughing.

This story is based off a real thing that happened to me. No I did not have Ethan looking after me when I am sick. (I wish though) But I came to school and sneezed and my friend went off saying how cute and petite of a sneeze it was and I got so unbearably angry at that and screamed I am the Fucking fury at him and I got a detention from our sub for swearing in class.


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