Fainting Spell

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Please know how much I love for you guys, I'm super tired and just got home super late but I am still putting out writing! :)

"Hey Y/n, I'm really glad you came to help, we have to film this video but Amy and Kathryn are out sick." Mark laid a hand on my shoulder.

"Anytime Mark! You know I'm always with Ethan so if I ever don't respond you can always ask him. I am happy to help out." He nods and gestures to the camera.

You start recording and immediately start doing awkward zoom in's to Mark, Ethan and Tyler's faces for comedic effect which generally was only funny because that was all you could do as a joke as a camera man besides say 'I wasn't recording'.  The guys finish the video and you go off to Kathryn's computer and start to edit the video for them.

"50 minutes worth of footage to sort through... great." You say to yourself.

You start to edit and you hear chaos in the background. Chances are Ethan did something he shouldn't have and now it is dodge ball time.

About an hour and a half goes by and you begin to feel restless and drained. 

"Hey babe" Ethan wraps an arm around your waist.

"Hey" You quietly said blinking away the slight throbbing pain in your head.

"How long have you been sitting here editing?" He asks.

"I don't know anymore... Maybe 2 hours?" His eyes go wide at your words.

"Well how about you and I go take Chica out and you can get some fresh air." You nod and begin to stand up, but the second you take a step, things go black.

The last thing you remember was Ethan's eyes going wide, you have just gone through another fainting spell for the first time in years. 


It was your final class of the day, Chemistry. You were doing a lab that involved chemicals and a bunsen burner. You normally had generally shaky hands but when it got bad you would hand your lab to your partner. 

"Okay class, You are going to get a piece of Zinc and place it in an evaporating dish with Hydrochloric acid and heat it on the bunsen burner to create pure Zinc Chloride."

I was heating up the Zinc when things got really dark. I handed my lab off and before my lab partner could realize what was going on, I had passed out. A broken wrist and a concussion from hitting the tiled lab floor. I didn't spill any chemicals or cause a fire, But I passed out from an undiscovered blood disorder. Ever since then I have had fainting spells.

Present time- Ethan's Perspective-

"GUYS I NEED SOME HELP IN HERE." I screamed for Mark and Tyler.

"ETHAN WHY ARE YOU YELLING WE ARE RIGHT-" Mark began to yell only to be interrupted by Tyler.

"What happened to Y/n?" He said calmly.

"I think she fainted, She told me she has been editing for 2 hours straight now and I said let's go walk Chica and when she went to stand she passed out." I calmly explained.

"Does she have any sort of medical condition?" Mark chimes in.

"Not that I know of." Mark nods.

"I should take her home." Tyler shakes his head.

"Take her to the guest room until she becomes conscious again. If she does have a medical condition, you never know what could happen and driving might not be the best thing for someone who is unconscious." Tyler says and I nod.

Tyler and Mark went to go clear my path so I don't drop her as I go to pick up Y/n to carry her to the guest room.

I kneel down and push her (hair color) hair out of her face and I pick her up bridal style and lay her on the guest room's bed and sit next to her and she begins to come to.

Y/n's Perspective-

My head is throbbing, I don't remember what happened at all. I was editing, Ethan came over and bam now I'm here. Wait, is here the guest room? I look over to see Ethan staring wide eyed at me pushing my hair out of my face running his other hand across my palm. 

"Hey Sweetie." He says very quietly.

"Hey... what happened?" 

"You fainted, do you have any medical history of fainting?" You nod at his question.

"I have a blood disorder they didn't discover until my junior year of High School, It causes me to get really weak and dizzy sometimes and when I don't take care of myself I faint. If I don't move around every 20 minutes or so, I black out." I explain.

"That would make a lot of sense, we were all really worried about you. Does anything hurt?"

You point to your head and he feels around your head to see if there are any breaks.

"You seem like you just hit the ground hard enough to get a really bad headache but soft enough to not break anything. I'll get you some cranberry juice and some Tylenol." 

"I can't take Tylenol, I can only take Ibuprofen because of my blood disorder." He nods and comes back with some juice and medication. 

You chug it back letting the sugar help your fatigued body and the medication to help your pain.

"... and we are off." Ethan sweeps you up into his arms and you struggle to get free, you enjoy being in his arms, but you weren't expecting this and you were too weak to fight it.

"Ethan where are we going I can walk." 

"I am driving you back to my place to rest, You are in no shape to be able to walk or drive yourself home. Let alone be by yourself at home, so I am taking you to my place for now to rest."

You wanted to fight it, But you were so comfortable in his arms that the pain became somewhat manageable... or it was the Ibuprofen kicking in. You fell asleep on the car ride to his house and when you woke up you were tucked in underneath his covers of his big bed. Lucky timing he walks in.

"How do you feel babe?"

"Better. Thank you for taking care of me Nurse Ethan."

"Daw it's no problem patient (L/n), don't want you to break yourself some more." He says with a giant cheeky smile.

"But I didn't break anything?"

"I called your mom and asked about your blood disorder. I want to be able to take care of you, and if I don't know what it is when you need help the most then I needed to contact the best. She told me what it is, how to help it, what you need to do and some funny fainting stories of yours." He laughs at the last part.

"Oh Mom... thanks for being on my side."

"But with all honesty, I am here for you always that is why I love you, that is why I wanted to know, So if I ever see you faint or you are lying on the ground, I know what to do next time."

You smile at his words and plant a kiss on his cheek.

"So I have an important question, Y/n"

You move closer to him and put your hands into his.

"What is your question?" 

"When will you stop falling for me when we are already dating." He says with a smirk.

For you had thought it was a serious question about your blood disorder, but in actuality it was Ethan being a goof as normal. 

"I will never stop falling for you, I'm under a fainting spell for you." You smile into a kiss.

Ooh long update. This one was inspired by me fainting at my band concert tonight! I am okay but jeez did that suck. Have a great night you guys and send me requests!


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