You know you're cute right? [PART 1]

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My motivation for this chapter is a dedication to my friend who changed this horrible trip to something I actually want to remember- even if it is just the last day. Using actual stuff he sent me or said to me at some point to comfort me.

A special shout-out goes to Duncan (my wattpad inspiration), who I know isn't reading this and probably doesn't even know I write on Wattpad- but I can't even begin to say how grateful I am for you to be in my life. You are the most perfect friend anyone could ever have and I appreciate the shit out of you for having my back.

This is for you Dunc, love you bud. <3 <3

You were sitting in a hot dog shop holding back tears surrounded by people you didn't know from your choir class.

You looked forward to going to Chicago to perform for Choir but never did you think you would get put in a room with 3 girls that don't like you. Nor did you have any idea that it would be so hard to move on and have fun.

"Y/n?" Your Choir director says gesturing you over to talk to her.

You had sent her a text message earlier asking if you could talk to her about something. In your head, you didn't know what something was. All you knew was you were hurt, alone and not enjoying a trip you spent way too much money on to not enjoy.

"So what's going on." She says as you two stand in the loft of the restaurant looking over the classmates who don't like you.

Breath y/n... just speak your mind.

"I'm really not enjoying this trip. I mean, Chicago- is so beyond beautiful and some activities are fun. But I have 2 friends in choir of the 55 we have and it is so hard to adjust. Like Amy is in my group but- her friend Kathryn is dragging her off to do their own thing, everybody besides Ethan hates me and I'm left alone hating everything and I just want to go home so badly, I am really not enjoying this trip."

Your director looked at you with patience and sympathy in her eyes, not to be confused with pity at all-

Pure Sympathy.

"I'm sorry you are dealing with this Y/n. What can I do to help you have a gosh darn good time your last day in Chicago? You can join me and (accompanist) and roam- we are cool by the way. Or you could group up with someone else you think would work better with you? What would you like to do?"

You shrug, "Do you want to sleep on it?"

You nod and head back to the table seeing a cheery Ethan laughing a couple tables over.

You begin to load up the bus and you feel the pain in your eyes coming as the salty tears come down your face. 

"There is my bus buddy!" Ethan says cheerfully. 

You pull your shoulder back and start quietly weeping looking at the ground.

"Y/n, are you okay?" Ethan says calmly grabbing your shoulder.

Your eyes glistened with tears as you looked up at his blue eyes trembling.

"y/n what happened?" Concern pounding his voice.

"Nothing I don't want to talk about it, I'm fine... Really."

He stares into your eyes with concern,

"Okay. But if you want to talk later, don't hesitate to find me." He says with seriousness in his voice.

You sit down in the bus seat and start to cry,

Not wanting to push boundaries, Ethan sits in the distance making sure to catch a glance over to make sure you were getting better and not getting worse.

You pull up to your next destination on this trip and he waits to walk in with you.

"Hey... Uh, Ethan thank you for caring... It means a lot." He lets out a shy smile rubbing the back of his neck.

"It's not a problem Y/n, You are one of my friends and I care about you. If a friend of mine is sad, then I'm sad and want to fix it. Not to mention you are always so strong so to see you cry it is just heartbreaking." He wraps a warm arm around your shoulder and you begin to warm up from the Chicago cold.

"Can I ask what happened?"

You begin to tell him everything and he pays attention as close as he could, but when he catches himself drifting he tries his best to get back into focus.

"I'm so sorry, You don't deserve any of that. If there is anything you need, let me know- I am always here for you."

You smile and stare at the ground.

"Thank you."

The rest of the night, you got concerned comfort hugs and sweet text messages in the hotel room from Ethan. Until he found out who exactly was picking on you.

E- Hey Y/n, how are you enjoying the trip so far?

(Y is You)- Hey Blue Boi. I felt better when I cried, but I'm really not feeling any better.

E- Aw, People giving you a hard still?

y- Yeah, really badly. I got out of the shower and when I was getting dressed in the bathroom they were making fun of me and I heard all of it.

E- Wait... they are your roommates for this trip?

You sit in silence not responding.

E- Y/n, how bad is it right now?

"Oh wow! looks like Y/n has someone texting her, or... let's say her mom." Your roommate snatches your phone and you yell to give it back.

"Ethan wants to know what room you're in. Wow you are such a slut."

"Guys, give me my damn phone back."

"Ooh Y/n is mad now. Here is your phone." She throws it on the floor where you were going to be sleeping.

y- It's fine. Don't worry about me. I'll be fine.

Message Sent-

You open the contact for your director, 

y- Hey Miss _____, I was wondering if tomorrow I could roam the city with Ethan's group? 

D- Of Course Y/n, Now go rest- It will be a fun day tomorrow.

y- Goodnight


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