Beauty and the Beast

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Holy crap you guys. You guys have continued to read and respect my writing regardless my disappearance and from the bottom of my heart... thank you for continuing to be supportive. These last couple months have been the hardest- I have begun therapy and the process of finding a medication that works, school wrapping up for the year and exams kicked my butt- I took my final exam Friday. A sadder spectrum of this is my dog passed away 4 days ago and though we knew it was coming, it still hit hard. To see you guys being so nice to me and still being supportive means the absolute world to me. 

From the bottom of my heart... Thank you.


So today was the big day, I worked for a local group that performed Disney music to Elementary schools and at Children's hospital. I've worked there for about 2 years now as a Muse from Hercules- (HONEY YOU MEAN HUNKULES) and as a Fairy Godmother from Sleeping Beauty. But today was different. 

-6 Months ago-

"Y/n we want you to play the role of Belle from Beauty and the Beast." Your boss says to you with a cheerful grin that always perked your day.

"Really! Oh thank you!"

-Present time-

The past couple months have been really busy: learning the music,  dance/ movement, learning how to act the part for Belle and the major part you struggled with? The big Yellow gown that was like a blanket pile to move. 

Unfortunately that stretched your relationship with Ethan. You already lived across the country, and to have this time demanding job- you guys had less phone calls and though he understood and cheered you on to do what you need to do. You felt terrible to leave him hanging.

"Y/n, We are starting soon. We got Josh in the beast costume already." You nod and take one final glance in the mirror, you looked so beautiful, it was so fitting you were Belle. You had the brown hair and the sculpted face. You had a natural beauty and boy was this adventure a lot to handle.

"Oh and Y/n? You have a flower delivery from 'Your One and Only Blue Boy'" Your boss says before handing you a flower and leaving where you were getting ready. 

"A Rose for my beauty. Break a leg!  -Your One and Only Blue Boy" You shed a small smile thinking of his handsome face and smile. You can do this.

"Hey kids! Are you guys ready to meet our friends Belle and Beast?" You hear your chirpy boss say to the little kids at your old elementary school.

You knew so many of the teachers at this school and still do. It's been almost 10 years and you were still stuck on melancholy hill. 

"Do you guys want to hear Belle sing!?" He asks the kids.

There were so much screaming from all those kids and so I stepped out and stood near the microphone as all of the kids scream like they saw a murderer, to any passerby, they just saw their Disney idol. Something I love to do and see. Pure happiness in their pure little minds.

(Song to be played here)

How does a moment last forever?

How can a story never die?
It is love we must hold onto
Never easy, but we try
Sometimes our happiness is captured
Somehow, our time and place stand still
Love lives on inside our hearts and always will

Beast enters from stage right grabbing your hand as you two approach the edge of the stage to bow.

Minutes turn to hours, days to years then gone
But when all else has been forgotten
Still our song lives on

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