Important Book Update!

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Hey guys!

I am not going to bold this because I want this to be a casual conversation with you guys.

So as you may have realized this book is literally 48 parts, or at least 48 parts including drafts. 

In all honesty I have no intents on ending this book right now, I like this creativeness I can complete with this type of novel. Considering my last experience on Wattpad was an actual hell. I was considering maybe marking this book as complete and starting a 2nd addition continued CrankGameplays imagine book. Just for the sake of it this book goes over 50 parts I feel like it is a novel- not a fun little book and coming from someone with heavy ADD- I don't think many people would sit down to read all of this. Even though I notice many of you read before bed and then you continue it when you wake up. Which praise you guys for being committed.

SO, let me know if you guys think this would be a good idea. I am open to suggestions and who knows, maybe I will mark this as complete then do a story line Ethan book- which if you want this give me ideas for what it could be about. Let me know what you guys think!

Lots of love and to anyone who woke up to a reply to one of your comments on my writing I apologize for my response to you being so late- and at the same time really early in the morning. I spent the night at my friend's house and notice how I said Spent the night and not Slept over. I did not sleep and I stayed up from 11 am the day before, til 4 Pm the next day. Word of advice kiddos, Sleep is not for the weak- the only thing I benefited out of it was I watched every single Narnia movie. But I do hope to be more interactive and I am sorry for not responding when I see I have a comment. Sometimes I read it and respond in my head.


Lots of love and let me know in the comments what you want/ story ideas!


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