Pretend to be my Girlfriend and I'll buy you a bag of Cheetos and a Granola Bar

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If any of you wonder how oddly specific my brain is sometimes, let this title speak the answer.

It was 9th period, your final class of the day. You had a free period but you couldn't drive so you would stay in class and hang out with your friends. You could do whatever you wanted, heck you even walked home sometimes and the teacher didn't care. Ethan was your ride home, he was a year above you but he was your best friend. You guys did everything together. With that being said you could probably imagine the comments you always got.

"I ship it." His friend Mark and his girlfriend Amy would say.

"Why aren't you guys dating" My overly personal Algebra teacher would say.

"Why are you guys holding back? You two are perfect for each other." Oddly enough, Our parents would say.

But we were just friends- No. Best friends, We are best friends and have been since practically birth.

You were sitting in your free period watching a meme with a friend when the bell rang. You had your stuff already packed and ready so you walked out to Ethan's car to meet up with him. Sending him a quick text saying,

You- I am awaiting your lovely memeness at your car.

Ethan- I am hurrying up to see your dankness. Give me 5 doggo memenites.

You- I'll give you 3 doggo Memenites.

Ethan- fine you dank majesty.

2 minutes later you see a floofy blue haired boy come sprinting towards you with keys in his hand. You get into his car.

"How was your day my dank majesty."

"Pretty dank, You?"

"Decent. Needs a movie night if you are up to it." You nod at his words and laugh.

"I'm going to drop you off at home, then I'm going to go drop off my stuff and I'll be back to pick you up." You nod.

You arrive at your house and you drop your backpack off on your chair and changed into comfy clothing grabbing a jacket as well. You explain to your Mom that you were seeing a movie with Ethan and she nods with a smile. She always wanted you and him to date.

You look outside to see Ethan pulled up and his face looking very panicked.

You get in the car and notice how badly he is sweating.

"Are you okay Ethan? You look pale and sweaty." You put your hand to his forehead and he felt fine.

"y/n I messed up and said something I shouldn't have." You tilt your head concerned when he continues talking.

"Okay so, I'm supposed to go to my cousin's wedding in a week- which you knew because you helped me tie shopping last week. Well my mom said I should bring someone and I said why should I, and she said because I am 18 and I haven't dated anyone and that I need to get out there and stop looking so sad at weddings and so I panicked and said I am dating someone and so Y/n will you pretend to be my girlfriend from this point on until the wedding is over with? I will buy you a giant bag of Cheetos and a granola bar and will make sure you are having a great week and a great time because I don't want to abuse the idea that we are best friends but I kinda panicked and said it was you I was dating. " He says in one breath not skipping a beat.

"Ethan..." You start laughing hysterically causing him to panic.

"Ethan it is fine, I get it, my mom gives me shit about being single too. I am happy to do this- for the bag of cheetos and a granola bar of course. Plus it may get our parents off our back about dating each other." You say calmly looking at the bright side.

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