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Another quick chapter because I don't feel too hot and don't want to go to sleep til I know I have pain relief.

It was July 5th I broke my shoulder... Ethan was editing for Mark when he heard a crash and found me on the floor of our bedroom. The doctor said that my shoulder was broken and that I needed surgery if it didn't heal properly within a month. 

"Hey baby, how are you feeling today?" My sweet blue boy asks.

"I can't handle surgery on my own... I'm in so much pain, I live by myself and my mom lives in (Your state) and can't come help me if I do get the surgery. You edit for Mark and for your own channel, I can't do this by myself. Hell Tyler won't be super helpful. He would only help if mom asked him to."

He sets a soothing hand on top of your knee.

"It is going to be alright. If you do need surgery you are taking the spare room in Tyler and I's house. Both Him and I will be next door and we will ask that Mark come to our house. We will be there for you if you need it."

"Thank you blue boy."

"Anytime Clutzy girl." You gave him the evil eye as he laughs and walks away.

August 5th-

"Miss L/n, according to your x-ray you will need surgery to fix that shoulder. We can do it Friday at the earliest." You nod as you begin to dread the loveliness of recovering and having your boyfriend and your older brother take care of you.

"Ooh, Miss L/N is having surgery? I have to document your high trip for sure. You know, before pain comes back and you get high from the pain." Your boyfriend innocently explains.

"It's a perfect time to prank her- You didn't hear that Y/n." Tyler confidently says then takes back.

If you weren't in pain and expecting to have surgery in 3 days you would punch him in the arm.

August 8th-

"I hate my life." You say in the car as Tyler drives and you and Ethan sit in the back.

"But you love meeeeeeeee." Ethan squeals poking you in the arm.

"Yes I do, but if you pull anything when I'm drugged out or in pain, I am murdering you in your sleep."

"Ah, an assassin in a deep abyss of pain, a quietly hurting ninja, a warrior who is a clutz. You are a triple threat and I'm not risking it." You smile as you pull into the Surgery area even though you were nervous, he always made you smile.

"f/n, L/n?" A nurse called and then I was off.

"We will start with an IV." That is when you started to panic. Needles never mixed with you.

"Can you bring my Boyfriend in?" she nods and leaves to return with a concerned faced Ethan.

"Needles?" You nod and he holds your right hand as his other hands soothingly rubs your lower back as the lady puts your IV in.

He gives you one good hand squeeze and you were off to surgery.

-Time skip because though I am in Radiology, I'm not being graphic-

You woke up from your anesthesia to see your boyfriend's bright blue hair and bright blue eyes catching your eye. 

You don't remember much from the drive home but you remember falling asleep to a familiar smell.

-Time skip again-

I looked around the room, this was not how I remembered the guest room looking like. It was much more reserved and looked like someone already lived in this room. Mark doesn't live here anymore, Tyler's room is organized as hell... wait. This is Ethan's room isn't it?

You look over to see his giant Gizmo plushy and a note on it next to you.

"You walked into my room and crawled into bed and fell asleep almost immediately. I didn't have the heart to wake you up knowing how much pain you are/ will be feeling. You need your sleep while you can get it, so I am sleeping in the guest bedroom to make sure you aren't at risk of getting caught in my cuddle and breaking you. ;) Sleep well my love, and if you need water or painkillers they are on the kitchen table- Yes I am making you walk, It will make you feel better. Bathroom is to the left of you right now and I am one holler away. 

BTW you are adorable when you sleep. You are like a little bunny. You seemed cold so I put another blanket over you if that is alright.

Love you- 


 How did I get such a wonderful boyfriend like him.

I walked downstairs and took my painkillers and had some water- He was right, walking felt good to do. I went to check on him and saw the cutest sight.

I peaked the door to the guest room open a little bit and see a sleepy Ethan sprawled out cuddling a pillow. His blue eyes now covered by his droopy eyelids. His hair might as well been a troll doll- it was everywhere. He looked at peace. 

I ran my hands through his hair and leaned to give him a kiss on the forehead. 

"Goodnight my blue boy. I love you and I'm really happy I met you, You make my life so much better then it ever has. I love you Ethan."

You slowly walk out and back to his room where you cuddled underneath the blankets trying to mask your pain you were feeling. You were half asleep when you hear the door creak open.

"Goodnight my beautiful Clutzy Ninja, I am really happy I met you too and I can't wait to spend the rest of my life with you. I love you too Y/n, and I hope you say yes."

You were too tired and loopy to understand what he mean't, He kissed your forehead and left the room to go back to sleep. 

Little did the reader know, this foreshadows their future.

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