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Hey guys I am finally back, we got the results and my mom is cancer free! Which is so incredibly awesome. But now here is an imagine inspired by my Saturday night.

Saturday has always been our date night, Ethan and I would always go out to eat and maybe go on an adventure. Today we decided to go bowling, and this time we took my little sister who has never been bowling.

"Hey (random name)! How have you been? You ready to get creamed at bowling?" Ethan says in a perky tone to my little sister.

"You wish I'd get creamed. Who knows maybe I'm good at bowling. In which get ready to get reckt."

Though they rarely interacted, Ethan and her always acted like best friends which is all I could ever wish for.

We pull up to the bowling alley and we get our shoes and go to our lane. The order went my sister, myself then Ethan.

Ethan immediately stepped up and showed my sister how to bowl. It was admirable, how he made sure she could lift the bowling ball and understood what he was saying. Soon she bowled and got 3 pins followed by Ethan high fiving her as she went to sit with a giant smile on her face.

I went and got all of the pins and when Ethan went he got 5 of the pins.

"Hey I'm going to get you guys food and drinks, the usual? Coke and cheese pizza?" My sister and I nod and we continue playing as Ethan disappears to get snacks.

My sister goes and her first go she misses then the second time she got almost all of the pins.

I go and miss entirely.

Now we wait for Ethan.

I text him saying where are you and he appears from the bar.

"I have to go to the back of the alley to get snacks." He bowls and leaves again.

We go through each of our turns and he still isn't back.

20 minutes later-

"Hey I'm back" little blue haired boy says.

"How do you leave for 20+ minutes for snacks and still not have anything?"

"I got lost and then they had a line so I left."

We continue and soon enough he comes back with food.

We bowl our final game and my sister and I tied for first leaving Ethan as the loser which my sister LOVED to rub it in his face.

"Can I treat the lovely winners to IHOP?" my sister and I nod and we pull up to ihop.

"I'm going to go to the bathroom." My sister says then leaves.

Soon she books it out of the bathroom and sits back down.

"What happened cherry face? You look freaked out." Ethan says caringly.

"Two girls walked into the bathroom and freaked out saying the girl in the stall next to me had cute shoes and kept trying to talk to me in the bathroom. They were either really high or really drunk, I can't tell."

Ethan and I look at each other. It was pretty late so both could be true.

Soon two girls stumble out of the bathroom screaming and we look at her and ask if that was them, she nods and we look at each other and agreed.

"They are both high and drunk."

We all laugh and enjoy our late night snack with my little sister commenting on how Ethan sucks at bowling.

To the readers knowledge, she has no idea the reason why he lets her little sister smack talk him is because it makes her feel happy and that she is doing something right. Just like the reader (y/n), she has a smile that lights up the room. He would do anything to keep both you and your little sister happy and smiling.

I'm sorry if spacing is weird, I'm typing this on my phone because my internet is out but I want to update.

1st Edition: CrankGameplays ImaginesWhere stories live. Discover now