Babysitting adventures

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You woke up slowly to Ethan cuddling next to you. You were exhausted, but your sister asked a week ago if you could watch her kids- Your Niece and Nephew today so her and your brother in-law could get stuff done.

Adeline was 4 years old and was her oldest, she was a sweetpea until she is tired- then the inner demon comes out that reminds me of when my sister and I lived together... yikes.

Brooks was 7 months old, Still a mere baby but he had a giant personality to be shared. His laugh and his smile can light up the room and he was a lover.

"Ethan wake up and get decent, we are watching my niece and nephew today."

He stirs in his sleep and you leave the room to clean up a little bit downstairs.


"Hey sister dear. How's it going my little Addie." You ruffle her short H/c hair.

"I brought my barbie bookbag y/n!!! Where is Etan I wanna show him" She shouts.

"He is still sleeping, let me see my little nephew." You lift Brooks out of his car seat and he shifts back into sleep in your arms.

"They are in good hands. Go enjoy yourselves!"

"Yeah, buying diapers and cleaning... yay."

"You rascals! Don't have too much fun without us." She waves and gives her daughter and son a kiss on the cheek and departs. 

She was such a great mom to them, it warms your heart and leaves a little part of you wanting to have kids.

"Auntie y/nnnnnnn, let's go wake up Etan." She whines.

"Is that my little Addie I hear?" Ethan emerges from the hallway.

"ETANNNNNNNNNN LOOK AT MY BARBIE BACKPACK." She screamed waking up Brooks.

Ethan held up a finger to his lips as I try to soothe Brooks back to sleep.

You tried bouncing him, you tried changing him, you tried feeding him, you tried rocking him.


Ethan offered to take Addie to the park to burn some energy while I tried to figure out why he was crying.

"Hey Auntie Y/nnnnnnnnnnn- Wait is Brooks still crying?" You hear Ethan ask.

You nod with a look of desperation in your eyes.

"Here, can I hold him? You go rest for a bit, I can handle this." He calmly asks not knowing the consequence he was about to get for that.

You walk upstairs and lie down. You worry about leaving Ethan alone with 2 kids to take care of, but you were tired and didn't feel good. Your eyes drifted off to sleep and when you woke up you were shocked.

Brooks wasn't crying.

Ethan was laying on the couch with Brooks smiling a mile a minute laying in his arms and Addie was wrapped around his chest asleep like a little angel.

You mouth asking how he did it, He mouths back-

"I asked are you tired Addie" followed by over exaggerated cries and wales, "I asked if she wants a hug to calm down and she fell asleep like this."  

"Brooks just wanted some good old fashioned man time," He flexes his arm, "But I'm not one to brag."

"What really happened?"

"I learned from a show on TLC that if a baby is fussy, you lay their head on your bare chest and the heartbeat is soothing for them to sleep... within seconds he was out."

You cooed over Brooks face of pure happiness, sometimes we all need a little bit of soothing time and Ethan knew exactly what to do.

Brooks let out one long giggle followed by a cheeky smile and began to pull himself into Ethan's neck.

You let out an Awe, ending Ethan looking at you blushing. 


Your sister walks right through the door, also in awe she commends Ethan for his reliability and help. Her husband picks up Addie and her backpack and put her in the car.

Ethan and I kiss Brooks head and put him in the car seat and soon enough Ethan and I were left to our own devices again.

"You know, you look damn adorable with a baby in your arms." I say to him.

"and you look hott as hell with a baby in your arms. Seeing you watch over us was all I needed to see to know how perfect you are for me." He responds.

"Do you want kids at any point?" I ask.

"Depends on if you want kids, I don't want to make you feel like you have to want kids or not want kids. I'm happy whatever we decide to do."

"I have always wanted kids, I just feel weird bringing it up."

"I feel the same way. There is so much beauty in having kids and to raise a little spawn of satan with both of our DNA in he/she... man it's amazing." He says.

"I'm shocked how feelsy you are about having kids. I didn't expect this from you and I love this about you." You smile.

You settle into his arms into a warm cuddle against his chest.

"Why don't we start our family. Y/n I am ready when you are."

Sorry this sucks. I have had this as a draft for a while and wanted to write it but I dragged it on for too long. My sickness turns out to be the school epidemic that has been going on for a while now. I'm in a lot of pain so I apologize. 

Part 2 of Forgive to Forget will come out unexpectedly. I want to kick up the notch of the angst on this one. 


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