Let's Vote

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Hey guys, I posted to my followers earlier not realizing not everyone would see it.

I am sick as a dog at the moment, like I sorta feel like I'm dying inside. I have the stomach flu which is going around my school at the moment, and I have 2 days worth of large group state contest next week which I can't miss so I have to take time for myself.

However here is what to expect at some point whenever I feel better I want you guys to comment what you want to see the most and I will prioritize whatever you guys want me to write.


-Part 2 of Forgive to Forget


-Visiting Home

You come back home and you and Ethan have to stay at your old home and nostalgia happens.

-How I Met Your Grandma 

Playing on the idea of How I Met your Mother where Ethan is telling a story to your kids on how he met your mom.

-Performance (Insert clever title at some point)

You have an alumni night concert for your old high school band and Ethan sees you blissing out to the music you are playing and falls in love with you

-Pretend to be my date and i'll buy you a bag of cheetos and a granola bar

Ethan asks the reader who is his best friend to pretend to be his girlfriend for a wedding to get his parents off his back and they both begin to really feel the part of dating and like it.

-Tear in my Heart (Inspired by Twenty One Pilots)

I don't know, I just like the song and think hey I could drabble this and make it angsty


The reader is freaking out about being home alone during a storm and calls Ethan over skype crying and Ethan has to come over to help calm her down.

-Grocery store troubles

using the phrase, "I gave you the cart because I thought I could trust you with it, but you have already tipped it over and tried racing a lady in an electric wheelchair, now give me the cart." to paint what to expect.


Self explanatory

-The life line

this one is a mystery, you will just have to wait and see ;)

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