Forgive to Forget part 2

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I feel like absolute garbo. I'm on quarantine because I have contest for 2 days next week so I have to be better by Wed. for rehearsal for contest Friday and Saturday. So as always if this isn't my best work I am happy to rewrite this when I am not feeling like actual death. 

A year has passed since I broke up with Ethan, I have been this angry broken hearted mess ever since. I can't seem to get the unique blue boy out of my head, He was an epidemic that you would rather be in quarantine then to deal with. I heard from Mark that he left his job as an editor for a while. He said he needed to go home to Maine as California changed him in the worst way possible. Which to blame what he did on moving to California is a shitty move. He became a dick being himself, Not by moving to California.

You wake up at around 8 in the morning to the sound of your phone ringing. You roll over and choose to ignore it. When it stops ringing you check your phone and listen to the voicemail.

~I new voicemail from- Mark~

"Hey Y/n, I really don't want to bother you, but we are doing a really big project called, A Date with Markiplier, we have so many videos to edit. We have Kathryn, Amy and I editing- You remember them I assume, but besides that we don't have Ethan editing because he is still in Maine but we are getting behind and really need an extra hand and you are the only one who I know can edit and know my style editing. Could you please come stop by to help? I know you and I stopped talking when you caught Ethan cheating which I understand but could you do this for me please we are on a really tight time crunch. Please call me back y/n. Bye."

You sit up from your bed of course you remembered Amy and Kathryn. They were right beside you the entire time after you broke up with Ethan. They were super supportive and you still considered them some of your best friends you had met- regardless through Ethan.

You decided to call Mark back, although you didn't want to go back to the place where you and Ethan once worked, Mark understood that and would never call you to go do something out of your comfort zone unless he was pure desperate. 

"Oh thank god, Hey Y/n. I'm assuming this is good morning to you?" a very tired Mark says.

"Hey Mark, Yes it is. Is it not to you?" You say with your morning raspy voice.

"We have been working since last night. No one has been able to sleep other then a 5 minute power nap. We are really desperate and I know you don't want to come back here and I didn't want to ask you but we are super desperate and if you come help I am more than happy to let you work from home or a coffee shop because I don't want to overload-" He starts frantically talking.

"Mark, It is alright. I know you wouldn't call me to come over unless you really needed help and I respect that. I will be over in about 20 minutes and I am bringing you all coffee- Do you all want to usual I would always get you?"

I hear a large relief exhale come from the other side of the line.

"Thank you y/n. You don't have to get us coffee we have a Keurig we have been living off of."

"All the more reason to get you guys quality coffee not from a Keurig." You can almost feel the happiness of Mark's smile on the other end of the phone. 

"Thank you once again y/n, You know us all so well." 

"Not a problem at all Mark. I'll be there soon."

"Bye y/n see you soon."

"Bye Mark."

You hang up and start to go get dressed. You decide to bring your pajama's with you because if you are going to pull an all-nighter editing you might as well be comfortable. But you put on just a black tank top and some shorts for the sake of going into a coffee shop.

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