Fatherhood Part 1

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I will be honest in saying I may have written this one because I'm facing writer's block and I am sad. I swear I didn't want to write this imagine until later on but man am I not in a good mood.

You stood in your bathroom, You guys have been married for a couple months now and you guys have already began to try having a baby. 

"Ethan I need you please." You scream throughout the house.

"What's wrong?" He runs to your side and gets down on the ground to be able to look at your eyes that are glued to the ground.

"I may be pregnant but I'm scared of getting my hopes up. I really don't want to do this by myself." 

He pulls you down into his warm embrace.

"Have you already taken the test?" You nod.

"How about we look at it together. That way we are there for each other, Like our vows said- for better or for worst. I am always going to be there for you." He kisses your forehead and you guys begin to move towards the counter where the test is located.

"Three... two...one. Look." You pull the test out and there are two solid lines on that test.

"Oh my god" You say choking up in sobs.

Ethan pulls you into a very tight embrace hearing sniffles from the future father to be. 

"I love you- I love you- I love you- I love you so much." He says as he repeatedly kisses your head.

"You are going to be a dad."

"and you are going to be a mom." You guys both are smiling ear to ear, Happy for this little bundle of joy to come into your life.

-Fast forward 2 months (3 months into pregnancy)-

"Are you ready to tell them?" I ask my loving husband while stroking my barely showing belly.

"Are you?" he asks not fazing his attention from the road.

"Well, Mark and Amy are going to be ecstatic at being this baby's loving godparents, Tyler however, I know he will be super happy at getting a niece or nephew, but you remember how happy he was when we first started dating."

"He tackled me to the ground saying don't touch my sister." 

"Yeah- He may be super happy for us, or he will be pissed. He has always been a protective dick of me." (Love you Tyler)

"At least there is Chica to distract him if shit goes down, he can't lay a finger on you, I doubt he would but in the idea that he will, I will reiterate that you are 3 months preggo, and take Tyler's fury. But you don't worry about anything okay?"

We pull up and I am very worried since today we are telling them, that I didn't bother trying to hide my little bump and so now it is out there. We walk in and Mark pulls us in for lunch that is already made, Mark's famous chicken and dumplings. I got about halfway through with my serving when Morning sickness kicked in again and I had to run to the bathroom with Ethan following along. He held my hair and rubbed my back and when I felt good enough I came back and watched wide eyes from everyone at the table.

Ethan passed it off as I wasn't feeling good all day and so luckily no one knew- that I knew of.

We hung out and Amy pulled me aside when the boys weren't looking.

"You are pregnant aren't you?" She said with a giant smile. 

I nod and shush her because we weren't ready to share this yet. Ethan who just so happened to stumble upon us got bear hugged by Amy who was so excited for us. Ethan and I looked at each other and decided it was time for Plan Bump.

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