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The bold and italic are lyrics of If We Love Again, English Version.



If we're born again, if we love again

My heart won't stop beating fast as I receive the text from him. He makes me feel giddy all the time. The butterflies in my stomach never left even he's just saying in the text that we'll meet. Darn. I must've been so in love. He always makes me feel love.

I typed my reply and send it to him and after that, I readied myself for today's date. I don't know why he's being extra-sweet to me this days but nah, I wouldn't care less. He's naturally sweet but these days he's being extra.

Let's not do this again.

I wore my new bought dress, my Auntie gives me this just few days ago and this is the first time I'll wear this. It's not our first date, but every date is special because I'm with him, because he is special to me.

He's the one who brings me back to life. I'm not telling I was dead, but it feels like it. He's the one who brings color in to my life. Like a crayon who give color in a dull bond paper.

Let's meet a little less, Let's hope a little less

I wore a light make up and smile at my reflection in the mirror. I grab my bag and go outside. I saw my mother in the kitchen cooking for dinner.

"Eomma. I'm going out for a date." I said. My mom already knows about my relationship with a guy. She knows all of my secret and actually, she likes my boyfriend for me, because who wouldn't? He's lovely, kind and super gentlemen, add up his soothing voice that can make your soul cry.

Let's not make many promises.

"Okay. Be sure to be home before 9." I nodded and kissed her cheeks.

"I'll be going Eomma." She nodded her head and I marched out of the house.

I'm sure he's there already. He hates waiting but it comes to me he waits even an hour. He's always early in our meeting time too.

I rode a taxi and when I reached our meeting place I gave my fare to the driver and got out of the taxi.

So even if we say goodbye

I sat down on the chair and roam my eyes around. I'm here at the place where he said to me to go.

There's only one table and it's obvious that he spend too much time to prepare this.

There's a flower in the middle of the table and there's roses all over the floor.

We can turn away without much pain

The chandelier above makes it more elegant. There are flower that hangs in the walls too. Gosh. Please tell me how to unlove him.

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