Chapter 31.

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*Skylar's POV*

  My eyes fluttered open, a huge smile already plastered on my face. I couldn't believe I made it to today. I never thought I would live to see my wedding day. But here I was, being woken up by my best friends in order to style my hair perfectly and put on the perfect dress so I could marry the perfect man. Three years after he proposed to me,  four years after what's about to be the second best day of my life.

  First, they pulled my hair back and started applying foundation to my features. Next, the eyeliner, mascara, and eyeshadow. I couldn't wipe the smile off of my face, thinking about being with the man of my dreams for the rest of my life. To be able to wake up to his golden eyes every morning and kiss his lips and hold his hand. To take care of our children. To go on tour with him and the boys, and to finally be happy.

  The next thing I knew, I was standing behind two large wooden doors, a bouquet of poppy flowers in my hands, and a fast heartbeat in my chest. I was so nervous I would forget my vows, or hesitate to say "I do", but somehow I knew it would be okay. Everything was okay when I was with Zayn. Simon stood before me, waiting for the time to open the doors. I was somewhat dissapointed I wouldnt have a parent there to walk me down the aisle like in the perfect weddings, but I was completely content with the fact that I didn't need one of my parents there in order to have the perfect wedding because I had all the people who really cared about me.

  Simon smiled at me, saying "You look beautiful. Im so happy for Zayn, that he found a love like you guys have. You've helped him in a way you can never understand, and I'm simply honored to be in the prescence of such real, true love." My lips curled into a smile, nothing could have stopped them. "Thank you, Simon. That really means so much. " "You can call me Uncle Simon now, love." he winked before pushing the doors open and offering his arm for me to hold. I felt my legs start to shake and everything seemed to move in slow motion. My heart kept skipping beats and all I wanted to do was pick up pace to get to Zayn. My stomach stopped turning and my mind cleared the moment I made eye contact with him. My smile could not get wider, as I was sure it was literally from ear to ear.

  The look in Zayn's eyes was one I would never forget. it was the one he had almost everytime he was around me, only intensified by 100. They held so much joy and happiness, I wished I could capture that feeling and put it into words. Nothing less than the world's most renowned poet could perfectly describe the look in his eyes and the way it made me feel, or all the thoughts circulating through my head of my future and of my past. But no one, nothing could describe the amount of love I could feel not only my own, but being spoken from the heart of the man now only half a room away from me. I had just half of the amount left as before, just that much until I could start a life of love and happiness.

  What felt like eternities later, I reached the preacher and joined hands with Zayn. I heard the preacher's words but they went in one ear and out the other, all I could think about was the eyes I was looking into, the overwhelming happiness in my heart that made me just want to cry. I was snapped out of my trance when the man before me said the words "I do". I knew it was now my turn, and I said it right on cue. My heartbeat calmed a little, but now was the hard part. Looking into his eyes, I remembered everything I ever wanted to say. He went first, describing his love for me. His words went together perfectly, like a soft melody playing into my ears. Finally, he finished with the most sincere thing I'd heard from anyone in my whole life. "I love you." Never once had I believed something so much, never once had hearing three words made me feel like I would never have another problem again. "Right, well," I heard from my own mouth. Wow, nice start, Skylar. I thought. "I always promised that I would give you a long speech about how much I loved you, but I guess I never really got to it. So here it is, and maybe I can make up for all of your speeches. I can't describe the feeling inside of me everytime I look into your eyes. Or why I get goosebumps everytime I come into contact with you. But I can describe, however, how much you have changed my life. Ever since I was just a little girl I imagined having a love like this one, as it goes for most girls. But before we met, I was positive of the fact that no one could love me like you do. I remember how fast my heartbeat was the first time I looked into your eyes, and how good I felt when you said I was cute.  I was afraid of you, at first. I knew I already liked you. I was afraid you would think I was a freak for all of the problems in my life and in my head.

  "I can never repay you for all the good you've done for me. For all the nights you stayed up with me because I was scared of fictional things, and for never laughing at me when I did something wrong. And for making me smile even sfter my worst days. For protecting me from any harm in the world, but still somehow managing to not smother me. I know that the words 'I love you' can never truly describe the feeling inside me right now, but for now those words are all I have. If I were a poet then maybe I could explain how my every thought is of you, or how I would do anything for you. Maybe I could do more than just say 'I love you' or I could describe just how happy you make me feel. But for now I only think of one word when I see you, and it's love. Not love like two twelve year olds in a relationship, or how you feel about your favorite song. But the way that the Sun loves the Moon. You are so much more to me than just a friend or a husband. You're the words I speak, the music I listen to. The books I read and the thoughts in my head. I don't  know about you, but I can not wait for the rest of our lives. Together. Forever & Always."

  I heard a chorus of "Aww" 's and suddenly remembered that we weren't the only two people in the room. In the world. The next thing I remembered, I had a ring on my finger and my lips were attached to the ones of the only person I cared about.

---15 years later---

  "Elizabeth! Alexander! Dinner!" I screamed, setting their plates of pasta on the table. As I was going to turn around, I felt familiar arms around my waist and familiar lips on my jaw. The butterflies were still as strong as the first time I kissed him.

  After we were all sat down at the table, eating dinner and laughing with each other, my three year old daughter innocently asked what the word on my left arm said. I looked at Zayn and then to her, "It says weak, honey." I replied, smiling at her. "Why is it there?" inquired my six year old son. "Well, a monster made me do it. A monster in my head. But don't worry, sweetie, Daddy saved me from that monster years and years ago. It's gone for good," I looked at Zayn before i continued, "Remember that, babe? when you saved me, just like you promised you would." A smile spread across his features, my kids content with my reply and probably the fact that their dad was a hero.

I never could have ever even thought of asking for such a perfect life and even more perfect family.

      **** The End ****


Okay guys, this is it. I'm pretty happy with this tbh. thank you all for reading this, I love you guys!!!! im sorry if you dont like this ending but hi, my story. thats so rude but.... I cant get myself to erase it so lets just go with it cx good luck with whatevers going on in your life. im still here for anyone who needs advice and stuff c: I love yalllll, and as always,

stay lovely (: xxxxxxx

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⏰ Last updated: Feb 16, 2014 ⏰

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