Chapter 20.

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Hey Guise!

Soo, guess what! I have 69 fans! And, I know, that's not even a lot but.. it's just.. I have a dirty mind... :o 

244 votes too! I know, that isn't a lot either. But, I'm very thankful for EVERY SINGLE ONE. I LOVE when people vote for my story and comment. Like, honestly, the fanning isn't a huge deal to me, but I LOVE long comments. They make my day. So, I know I talk about this a lot, but, I'll stop today. Can y'all ask Skylar questions? Puh-leeasseee? She really has only had like, six in all. You can ask about ANYTHING. Here:

Listen to the song, on the side? It explains Skylar PERFECTLY. Plus, it's in this chapter. Thanks Brianna for showing it to me! Or, @1DsOutOfTownGirl c; I LUFF YOU ^-^

I LOVE YOU GUYS SO EFFING MUCH! Forreal . Ahaha, thanks SO MUCH for the support. You guys are honestly amazing. I really hope you like this chapter ^o^

As always,

Stay lovely (: xx


*Skylar's POV*

  "Is that honestly what you want to do?" Harry asked, sitting on the ground next to me. "I'm still thinking about it.." I said, looking at my feet. "But I'm almost 100% sure." I looked up at him. His expression was pained as he looked up at the dark sky, searching. For what? No. Clue. An answer maybe?

  "Well, then you have to do it. Even if it breaks Zayn's heart. I know he'll make it through it. I just, I don't want to let you go, Sky. None of us do. We don't want you to leave." he said, wrapping his big hand around mine. I watched as a tear fell from his eye, and smiled sadly back at him. "I know. I don't want to either, but it's only for the best." I said, playing with his fingers. "But, don't tell anyone. Please." I said, looking into his green eyes. "I won't. I promise." he said, looping our pinkies together. 

We soon went back up to our rooms to sleep, getting ready for the day ahead. 

----7 days later----

 "Hello?" I answered my mobile, not bothering to check who it was. The bright screen was too much for my eyes to handle, since it WAS 3:00 in the morning.

"Hey. I'm sorry. I didn't mean to wake you up. I just.. you'll NEVER guess what happened!" I heard Sarah's excited voice ring through my ears.

"Oh yeah? What is it then?" asked whilst lying back down and yawning. 

"Harry asked me out!" she chirped through her iPhone. 

"Yeah? I thought he would." I said, smiling to myself. The kid FINALLY grew some balls, yeah?

  "Yeah. He did it in the cutest way, too! We were kind of just on Skype, like usual, he was helping me with my homework when he kind of just.. DID IT. I thought it was so cute that he didn't try to win me over with money by taking me on some expensive date, you know? It was just.. perfect. HE'S perfect." she replied. I could practically hear her smiling through the phone.

"Oh! Good! Right, listen, I need to sleep. Sorry, I'll die if I don't." I replied, feeling myself starting to drift off.

"Okay. Wow, I'm so sorry. I shouldn't have called you at such an ungodly hour. I'll see you at school?" she said, before hanging up.

  Why didn't anyone ever let me reply before hanging up? Whatever, I dialled Harry's number and pushed the talk button. I knew he was awake.

"Hello?" I heard Harry's deep voice. I couldn't help but think how sexy his voice was. Don't judge me, either. It really was. I mean, not as sexy as Zayn's but, still way up there.

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