Chapter 16.

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Oh, Hai Guise ^-^ 

IT TOOK IT OFF OF RATED R! Yay ^o^ So, the link is PLASTICBIEBER falling. Again. And again. I'm going to hell for thinking this is funny... But what can I say? Karma's a bitch. She deserved it. Just so you guys know, that is my most favoritest picture of Zayn ((x So, I hope y'all like this chapter. I'm not completely sure what's going to happen but, I'm sure I'll think of something. I love you all. Stay Strong. Stay beautiful. Stay Lovely :) xx


~ 1 month later ~

*Skylar's POV*

  So, I guess you'd think that since I'm Zayn Malik's girlfriend, kids in school would stop being so mean? Oh nahh. That's what I thought at first. I mean, I didn't want special treatment. I didn't even expect it.

Good thing too.

  The first day I went back, I had to wear long sleeves to cover up my arms. The left was covered in scars. Everyone already knew, though. Since my boyfriend is 1/5 of One direction. On that first day, Zayn walked me to my locker. Don't even ask me why because, frankly, I have no bloody clue.

  All of the girls were chasing after him trying to get pictures. He quickly pecked my cheek and walked away, taking as many pictures with fans as he could. 

  I turned around to see glaring eyes of just about every student in school. "Welcome back." I muttered whilst rolling my eyes and looking back to my locker. 3-8-33 I dialed in and opened the lock. When I opened my locker door, a note fell out. I looked around before picking it up. 

  I unwrapped it and gasped. I couldn't believe it. A shiny blade stared right back up at me. The note read ; 


  So, I hear you tried to kill yourself yeah? Well, scissors won't work sweetie. Try this razor instead next time. Do us all a favor. 

- Sincerely,

   The whole world. "

 I looked back up to see everyone going on with their lives with the occasional glare. I simply folded the note back around the blade and stuck it into my "To Write Love On Her Wrists"  bookbag. Once I had gotten to Zayn's flat (He decided to pick me up that day.) I took it out and gave it to him. Just so that I didn't use it. Boy was he mad about that note. He gave me kind words before dropping me of at home. Leaving me with a small bit more of confidence.

  But that was then. Now, it's two weeks later. Today, the surprise at my locker was "SLUT" written with lipstick on my locker. Sarah and Lavonne were trying to scrub it off but, sadly, failed. "Thanks guys. Don't worry. I'm fine." I said, a fake smile plastered on my face. Sure, it hurt. Every single time I got called a name, it burned a deeper hole in my confidence, slowly but steadily wearing it down. Sooner or later I'll come crashing to the ground. But for now, I keep my chin up. I keep every ounce of confidence I have (which is very little) until I'm home. Alone. I usually have about an hour or two before Zayn's off of work or he decides to call me in the studio to check up on me. 

  I've rarely seen my mother since the day Zayn screamed at her. I haven't seen Zack much either but, I know she's still with him. I also know that Zayn had to get her to sign some papers for the hospital or something and got into a fight with Zack. Of course, Zack won. Zack's a good 4 inches taller than Zayn. Plus, he's stronger than Zayn, and believe me, Zayn is VERY strong. He got out with a black eye and busted lip whilst Zack had a broken nose. But, Zayn still somehow got the signature and everything was fine.

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