Chapter 24.

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*Skylar's POV*

  "YOU TOLD HIM TO TAP MY ASS?!" Lavonne exclaimed, running towards me. For a second I was confused, my mind was far away from my body. It was my first day back to school, and everybody knew why. Nobody cared. I didn't understand why they were so bitter towards me. Some may be because I'm dating Zayn, but none of them really have reasons. I don't even know their NAMES and they seem to know everything about me. All of the teachers gave me sympathetic looks, as if they really cared. But we both knew they hated me, too. 

  After a moment of thinking, I laughed, remembering the conversation I had with Niall a few nights before. "Uh, yeah." I choked out, trying to supress my laughter. She rolled her eyes, but a smile played her lips. I moved toward her, wrapping my arms around her tightly. I felt her arms wrap around me, squeezing me with all her force. And she's was way stronger than she looks.

  She finally released me before there were another pair of arms around me. "Hey!" I said, hugging my other best friend as tightly as I could. '"Hey!" I heard Sarah reply in my ear before backing away. I saw Lavonne staring at my hand, searching for something. I shrugged it off, thinking it was just her being weird, and started walking towards my first period class along with my two best friends. 


  Nothing special happened that day during school, really. At lunch Lavonne and Sarah were busy on their phones, probably texting Harry and Niall. I could have texted Zayn, but I hadn't felt very close to him, lately. I knew he was keeping something from me, and I couldn't take my mind off it. Everytime I talked to him I knew he had a secret, and I needed to know what it was.

  When I got to Zayn's flat, I plopped down on the sofa, bracing myself for the amount of homework that was to get done. I flicked my iPod to Birdy, turning it up as loud as possible, and letting her beautiful voice flow through my ears. Sometimes I would catch myself bursting out singing, which I couldn't care less about since I was home alone. "AND I'LL CROSS OCEANS LIKE NEVER BEFORE SO YOU CAN FEEL THE WAY I FEEL IT TOO! AND I'LL SEND IMAGES BACK AT YOU, SO YOU CAN SEE THE WAY I FEEL IT TOO!" I belted out, the loudest I could possibly sing. 

  I felt someone's hand on my shoulder and screamed bloody murder. I looked to my right to see Zayn,  doubled over, laughing. Pulling out my earphone's, I stood up and said, "Zayn! You almost gave me a heart attack!" I waited for a moment, whilst his laughter died down before he replied, "I was just letting you know I was here, but apparently I'm not allowed to do that anymore." I laughed, mostly at myself, imagining what my face most likely looked like, and turned back around to do my work. 

  "No, I need to take you somewhere." he said, pulling on my arm to stand me up. "What? Why? Where? Look at all of this homework that's to be done! I only have this weekend. I want to get it done TODAY so I don't have to worry!" I replied, trying to pull from his grasp. "It's fine, look, I'll even help you. I got out of the studio early for this, and I'm getting it done." he replied, looking into my eyes, pleading me to cooperate. 

  I sighed, pulling a jacket on, and grabbing the umbrella from next to the door. We ran to the car, the umbrella covering our heads. I let Zayn keep he umbrella as we seperated, me running to the passenger side, and him to the driver's. As I slammed the door, I sighed, relieved I was out of the rain. "So, what's this all about?" I asked whilst strapping myself to the seat. 

"I'll explain once we get there, alright?" he replied, turning the key in the ignition, starting the car. 

---- 1 hour later ----

  We basically rode in silence, I was too busy with the thoughts whirling around in my head to speak. When we pulled up to the destination, I froze. Why would he want to take me here? That doesn't even begin to make sense. I sat, staring up in awe at the sign. "Tattoo" Woah, what a name. "Okay, Zayn. I'm waiting for your explanation?" I said, looking over to him. "Okay, so, I've been thinking. A lot. And you remember when you told me you wanted me to forget you? Well, I want to really make it clear to you how impossible that is to me. I would start with the whole gushy story, but I know you don't want that. It takes to long... haha anyways, uh, well I want to get a tattoo with you. So then YOU won't forget about ME. Because that's the worst thing to possibly happen." he replied, looking into my eyes. 

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