Chapter 15.

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Hey guys! Soo, people have been sending me hate because I "dissed" Harry in the last chapter. SO, I'll clear that up. HARRY STYLES IS A FREAKING AWESOME SINGER. All of One Direction is. I mean, if you were Zayn's girlfriend, of course you're going to tell him that. Seriously. Sit the fuck down. I don't have them on a list of who sings best. They all sing equally amazingly. Okay? SO STOP. Damn, anyways, I hope you guys like this. My main worry is, the last chapter was good but I'm scared that this one won't even compare. Gahh, it's gonna be shitty. Haha get over it ^-^ And, this damn thing won't let me change it from rated R. Are you serious? That's annoying. So; RATED PG-13 Haha don't let your parents worry... If they would... Blahh I'm rambling.. Plus, okay, last thing. This is dedicated to @sarahnoel_loves1d because she helped me come up with this chapter. So, thank her for this piece of shit you call writing. I felt like this song went really good with Zayn and Skylar's situation. It's a-freakin-dorable. I love you all. As always ~ Stay Lovely :) xx


*Zayn's POV*

  I feel like shit. I rolled over on my bed to see that it was 2:43 pm. Great. I really wanted to see Skylar but, I had a pounding headache. I didn't even remember the night before, since I had gotten so shitfaced. I looked to the space on the bed next to me, hoping to see her there, only to find it empty. I wasn't used to sleeping alone anymore. I was used to being able to protect Skylar. God, I missed her. It had only been a day but, what can I say? I love her. She. Is. My. Heart. 

  I wanted to be able to see Skylar soon but I didn't want to reek of alcohol and throw up. I walked to the kitchen and took out some Advil for my aching head and muscles before hopping into the shower. 

  After about ten minutes in the shower, I quickly did my hair (because I also wanted to look good for Skylar) and got dressed. I grabbed my keys, phone and shoes and walked out the door to start the long journey to the hospital.

  An hour and a half later, I walked into the waiting room only to see four very angry teenage boys. "WHAT THE HELL DID YOU DO THAT FOR?! IS THAT WHAT YOU WERE DOING WHILST YOU WERE AT THE PARTY 3 HOURS LATER THAN US? HMM?" Harry screamed. He tried to come at me but, Louis and Niall held him back. "Wait, what?" I asked. I was so confused. I hadn't done anything the night before. That much I knew for sure. I would never do that to Skylar. I had finally gotten her to be mine. Why would I jeopardize that?

  "She's going to DIE ZAYN! DO YOU HEAR ME?! ALL BECAUSE YOU COULDN'T KEEP IT IN YOUR PANTS!" Harry screamed once again. I felt like I had just been punched in the face. I ran up to the front desk, ignoring Harry's screams. The other boys were fairly mad too, I just had no idea why. "What room is Skylar in?!" I asked Dr. Griffin. I swear, he was ALWAYS right there when I walked in. That's so weird. 

  "Zayn, I'm so sorry." he started, getting up from his chair and walking around to me with caring eyes. "She's in room 637 again. She's suffering from major blood loss, added on to the amount she'd already lost." he said. "Is she still alive? Is she in a coma again?" I asked frantically. "She's alive, and yes, she's back into a coma. We've tried pumping as much blood into her system as we could, but she had so many cuts." he said, calmly. How the hell was he so calm?! SHE WAS ABOUT TO DIE! :Wait, she- she.... I have to see her. Thanks mate." I said whilst running to the stairs. 

  After running up six flights, again, I found the room I knew all too well and quietly opened the door. One look at Sky was all I needed to break down. This time wasn't the same as all the other times. She was hooked up to big scary devices. Her breathing was steady but she wasn't breathing on her own. She was hooked up to a respirator. This was bad. 

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