Chapter 13.

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*Skylar's POV*

    I don't want to tell him. But I have to go home. My mum will be there. I have to. Okay. I'm gonna do it..... I'm gonna do it.. Now. I thought to myself. I was mentally preparing myself. I mean, he couldn't say no. After all, today had been really fun. We ate donuts and drank coffee whilst watching the rain, he threw a donut at my head, I chased him around in the rain, I caught up to him and tackled him in the rain, and we went to a grocery store and told one of the cashiers that we were raised by wolves. 

  Well, really we ran around the store on all fours, like animals, and howled until someone asked what we were doing. Then, of course, we got kicked out of there. He got me kicked out of a lot of places, but those days were so fun. Now, I had to tell him I was going home. I needed to take care of my mum. I know he'll understand. I walked out of his room and into the living room. "Hey, babe." he said with a yawn. I had just woken up. Neither of us slept the night before so we both kind of passed out. Me longer than him. 

  "Hey." I said with a smile. I sat down on the couch next to him and sighed. "I need to talk to you." I said, quietly. He looked at me expectantly and gave me a nod saying 'go ahead'. I took a deep breath, "Well, you see, IneedtogobackhomebecauseIneedtotakecareofmymumotherwiseshecoulddieorsomethingsoIneedyoutounderstandwhyI'mgoingandI'llstayintouchwiththeboysandyouandallthatjazz." I said really quick. I don't even know how I got that out of my mouth without stuttering... He chuckled and said, "What?" I looked down at my hands and said, "I said, I need to go back home because I need to take care of my mum. Otherwise she could die or something so I need you to understand WHY I'm going. And I'll stay in touch with you and the boys and all that jazz."

  He sighed heavily and said, "Okay. That's fine. I can't do anything about that. But, you have to talk to me everyday, ok?" I nodded my head 'yes' and thanked my few lucky stars he let it go so easy. "Sky?" he asked shakily. He's.... nervous? "Yes?"I said using the same tone as him.

  He looked up at me and said, "Okay, I know this is not the best time to ask. I should do it in a better place, not just my living room. But, I can't wait any longer to ask. Skylar, since the first day I met you, I've liked you. A lot. I don't know if you feel the same. But, I hope you do. I care about you SO MUCH. I hate it when you're hurting. Which is hard because, you get hurt A LOT. But you stay strong. I admire that. Skylar, you really have no idea how beautiful you are. A blind man could see. You have a beautiful smile. The cutest laugh probably.. EVER. I could honestly stare into your eyes forever. You are so adorable, beautiful, independent, trustworthy, loyal. Anything and everything I could ever want and need. When you smile, I smile. When you laugh, I laugh, when you're sad, I'm sad, when you're down, I'll pick you up and put you back on solid ground. I WILL save you Skylar. I promise. I want to be here. I want to be the one you come to when you're sad. I want to be able to kiss you whenever I want, just because I can. I want to hold your hand when you're scared. I want to grow old with you. I don't ever want to miss out on anything in your life. I want you to be mine. Skylar, will you be my girlfriend?" the whole time he said that, his eyes never left mine. His brown orbs searching my blue ones. 

  By the end of his speech, there were tears streaming down my face. If this was him asking me out... What the hell does he say when he asks someone to marry him? The only problem was... I didn't know what to say. His eyes showed love, and honesty. I wanted to say yes. I really did. But, I didn't want him to worry about me. "Skylar?" he said, desperation in his voice. I saw the happiness in his eyes fade as he reached up and wiped a tear from my cheek. He looked so sad, so vulnerable, right now. I opened my mouth to answer him but, my voice caught in my throat. So, I did the only logical thing I COULD do. 

  I planted my lips right on top of his. This wasn't the first time I'd kissed him but, this was the first time I felt the kiss. This time, it had meaning. My lips burned and I felt fireworks going off in my stomach. I know that sounds cliche but, it's true. I pulled away, breathing heavily. I rested my forehead against his and choked out, "Of course, love." his eyes showed relief and he smiled before wrapping his arms around my middle and pulling me towards him. Our lips were nearly touching when I moved my head to his ear and whispered, "But, I have to go."

Way to kill the moment right? 

  I pulled away and stood up. Zayn gave me a pouty face but stood up too. "Zayn? Can you meet my mum for me?" I asked. I wanted him to meet her but, I don't know why. I think, to prove to her that someone DOES love me. Even if it's not her. He smirked and said, "Ohh, meeting the parents already? Shit just got serious!" I rolled my eyes and said, "No, I want to prove something to her." I walked into his room and opened my drawer. 

 I took out all of the clothes that I had in there and picked up all my dirties off the floor. I was already dressed so that was all I needed to do. "You ready?" he asked, standing in front of the door. "As ready as I'll ever be." I said whilst walking in front of him, out the door.

  Once we got back to my flat, we walked up to the door and I took out the spare key, I unlocked the door and walked in. "I'm not sure she's here, Zayn." I said, looking at him.He just nodded his head and walked behind me. Once I got to my room, I put all of the dirty clothes in my hamper to wash later and tossed my clothes on my bed to be put away later.  "Nice place you've got here." he said. I chuckled and said, "Stop, you're hilarious. I live in a dumpster." he smirked and opened his mouth to say something but he was cut off by someone talking in the living room.

  We walked out into the living room to find my mum and some guy. I think she was sober... Strange. "Hey mum." I said with a smile. Zayn was standing next to me, holding my hand. "This is Zayn... my boyfriend." I said staring her straight in the eye. Zayn gave my hand a reassuring squeeze. My mum raised an eyebrow and said, "Hmm, how much did you pay him?" Wow she's still a bitch even when she's sober! I thought. The man and her started laughing at what she had said and Zayn cleared his throat. "Actually," he started, "She would never have to pay a penny for me. I really like her. Any guy would," I felt my cheeks heat up and my mum just chuckled. "Well, Skylar. Seems like you've got a good one here. I can't wait to see you fuck it up. He'll probably leave you when he finds out all of your problems." she said with a smirk.

 The man sitting with her also chuckled at that. Who the hell is this guy? "Actually, Mum. He knows everything there is to know about me. And look! He's still here!" I said. I felt a smile creep onto my lips. She was shocked, that's for sure. "Well, Zack, this is my daughter, Skylar, and her 'boyfriend' Zayn." she said to the man, putting air quotes around "boyfriend".  The man she referred to as "Zack" waved and half smiled at me. This man was... off. He gave off a sort of creepy vibe. Like, pedophilish.. I could tell Zayn sensed it too. "Skylar, this is my boyfriend, Zack." Greeeaat, now Mr. Pedophile Creepy Guy is my mum's boyfriend? Just when I thought everything was perfect. Oh well,  I thought , It can't be That bad. I might as well trust my mum's judgement skills and trust.. HIM. 

 Mistake Number One.


So, hey guys! Sucky chapter, I know. Oh well. You guys rushed me1 A sucky chapter is what comes of that. I know I do this a lot but, " The Real World 1D Style x " Is REALLY good. I love it a lot. One of my best friends is writing it, 1DsOutOfTownGirl She's new to Wattpad so... Help her out? I really love the story. Right now it's kind of slow but it WILL get better. I promise. so, thanks for checking that out for me. Vote/ Comment/ Fan and all that jazz xD I love you all! As always, Stay Lovely :) xx

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