You Saved Me ( Zayn Malik )

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"...... You don't deserve a point of view,

if the only thing you see is you... "

Paramore's "Playing God" blasted in my ears as my feet carried me aimlessly down the road. 

" IT'S ALL YOUR FAULT HE LEFT! YOU WERE A MISTAKE! I HATE YOU! DO YOU KNOW WHY I DRINK? HMM?" My mum screamed at me, I could almost taste the alcohol she was breathing on to me. I decided to honestly reply "No.." "WELL I'LL TELL YOU WHY!" She yelled back at me, "BECAUSE WHEN I DRINK, I FORGET. ABOUT EVERYTHING. I DON'T HAVE TO WORRY ABOUT YOU. SO WHY DO YOU STAY HERE? I HATE YOU! JUST LEAVE!" I looked at her, mentally on my knees begging for her to say she was joking. Didn't she know it was hard for me too? Sorry for me, I saw the amount of seriousness in her cold, bitter eyes. So I got up, and left, letting the tears slowly run down my cheeks.

  I pushed the memory far back into my brain as I sat down on a park bench nearby. That was the first time she ever said it was my fault. It was the day of my 14th birthday, about a year after my father had left and the first day my mother started drinking alcohol. February 15th, 2010. One of the worst days of my life. I'm not completely sure what it was about that night, for, memories kept rushing back to me. Nearly knocking me to the ground. 

"Haha look at Skylar!"  "Where'd you get those clothes from?"  "A Hobo?"  " Eww you're so ugly Skylar!"  That's all anyone said to me. Ever. Nobody at school liked me. Ever since my dad left us, my mum and I didn't have a lot of money, so she couldn't buy me a lot of clothes. Never was I "in fashion" or anything like that. I wanted to scream it at everyone in school. Tell them it wasn't my fault. I really did. But I didn't want to seem weak. Lord only knew they would only make fun of me more once my family's financial situation got out. Sighing, I unlocked the door to my home and trudged inside. Lying innocently on the kitchen table, was a note from mum. 

"Dear Skylar,

 I'm not going to be home until early morning.  Find yourself something to eat. Or don't. I don't care. I'm going out to drink with 'friends'

   -K "

  Of course she didn't even put mum. She just put " K " for Karen. That night was the first time out of many to come that she left me alone all night. Not only that, but it was the first time I ever let a blade sink into my wrist....

  At that point I was on the verge of tears. I stood up from the bench and bit my lip to fight the memories and the tears. There was not a chance that I was going to cry right now. As I started walking, I put the hood to my black hoodie up over my head, letting it hide my saddened features, and looked down at my tan legs that were exposed to the cold, bitter winter air of London by my denim shorts. I watched my white Vans as I walked in the same direction I had been previously walking in. Shortly after I was quietly singing to myself, and dancing along to my music. That was, until, I crashed into a wall of muscle.

 I looked up into familiar caramel brown eyes. Then I realized who was looking down at me.

Zayn Malik.

You Saved Me ( Zayn Malik )Where stories live. Discover now